We might all be “injected” without even realizing it – IOTW Report

We might all be “injected” without even realizing it

jack duggan-

There have been tests in Australia where rats are injected with an RDNA product. This will make the rats sterile. In addition to sterility, they also become sheddable through the fur of the rat (shedding proteins.)This shedding spreads onto others in the population. 

Rats shed upon also become sterile and they shed onto a third group of rats.  It may go slightly further but the expectation is an injected rat will impact a non-injected group, and in turn that group will impact another.

In the video, the doctors discuss that this ‘shedding’ may be currently seen in human-female RDNA-vaccinated subjects that are experiencing unusual reactions; older women having periods, women with an inability to stop menstruating, false pregnancy and inadvertent termination of pregnancy. This is happening even amongst those that have not been vaccinated.

The suspicion is that a vaccinated group of people now can bring about a fully vaccinated populace, via the shedding of the RDNA product. So a person that refuses the jab is brought into the control group via the shedding.

-jack duggan


27 Comments on We might all be “injected” without even realizing it

  1. Didn’t I mention something about this a few weeks back when I said that The gloating vaxxers better watch their asses because it could be THEM facing discrimination one day soon?

    As for the rest of us…Don’t get any on ya.

  2. One question.

    If this is true, the globalists behind it know that they will be just susceptible to shedding.

    Or is the belief that they have secretly immunized themselves from what they’ve imposed upon everyone else, vaxxed or not?

  3. I saw a video where an obstetrician did not want vaccinated people in his office. He stated they could cause his patients and staff harm. Now I understand better what he was saying and why he feels it’s dangerous to be around those that were vaccinated instead of the other way around.

    If I told someone who was vaccinated they are more of a danger, they would think I’m nuts.

    Pray everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  4. MJA, I’m with you. I was worried about this crap when I attended my mother’s funeral and of course everyone was wanting to hug everyone. I avoided hugging those I knew had gotten jabbed. I was the most concerned with my brother who had gotten it a few days before and was going around hacking.

    I saw pictures on FB where the idiots are getting tattooed that they’ve been vaccinated, some even with tattoos of their vax card. I hope they all start doing that and those that don’t I hope keep their masks on.

  5. It’s the inhaled or ingested ‘viral particle count’ that determines the probability of infection. We need hard data about the amount of ‘shed particles’ required for the effects mentioned. Is it more than the virus itself? Or less? If one is unlikely to ever catch COVID or Influenza walking in a supermarket or department store (which is true), is one equally unlikely to be affected by a store crowd shedding COVID spike proteins? How about a 15-minute, face-to-face conversation? How about a business meeting with 10 people in a 10×10′ conference room?

    I would like to know what situations to avoid.

  6. Unfortunately, I think this may be what happened with my wife. She’s been in peri-menopause with irregular short periods for the past year, and suddenly, 2 weeks straight of stop-and-go action happening in that department.

    Neither of us will ever get vaxxed, but her dad who is 87 did get it a few months ago, and since we’re around him every few weeks and she always kisses him goodbye, I worry that he may have been a shedder that passed this on to her. Which naturally means I have it…wonderful….

  7. So, I’m high risk. So they say. 1 year cancer survivor, gym rat, that hasn’t missed a day in the gym since the end of the shit show. Crawling back best I can. So as you might imagine I have about 5 Docs I see monthly. From the get they were you need to get the JAB. And I’m reading shit saying, oh hell no. All those Docs, and their staff got the JAB. And every one of them is currently changing their minds. Additionally, I have a sister in law, a Doctors assistant, that was all about the jab. Both her and her doc got it. They both say never again. Probably to late. I’m amazed how the medical profession accepts what these asshole claim without question.

  8. have a legitimate question (for once):
    is RDNA ‘product’ the same as the mRNA ‘product; in the COVID vaccines? (didn’t hear it explained on the vid)

    … & is that a guy under a wig (who keeps fiddling w/ his/her turtleneck to keep his/her adam’s apple hidden)?

    (ok, that’s two questions …. but only one was legit 🙂 )

    Does the shedding occur for only a limited time? IOW, does the vaccinated person eventually stop shedding? If so, this may be why there is such an incredibly strong push to vaccinate as many people as possible, because it creates an inescapable critical mass that more likely sheds into the remaining people, before the shedding subsides.

  10. If they kill off all the rats, Australia will be leaderless!
    OH! The humanity!
    And if it spreads to the rats in France and England, those countries will no longer have raghead problems!
    Heaven forbid!

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. …that’s why they’re bringing in an unvaccinated, rapid reproducing replacement population that tends to clannishly isolate, because they KNOW they’re going to NEED it when the White Genocide is complete…

  12. I read things like this and imagine the world fifty years from now, vastly depopulated. Mostly old folks left. Not enough young people to do the work to maintain life as we know it.
    Electrical devices and combustion motors are all quiet antiques.
    Horses being the mode of transportaion farms again the way of life. Today a memory the future an unknown enigma.

  13. Not me
    MAY 24, 2021 AT 8:50 AM
    “I read things like this and imagine the world fifty years from now, vastly depopulated.”

    …that’s past MY best case check-out date, so good luck with that…

  14. I hear it from different people: “My dad had to get the jab for work, they wanted him to travel.” They say that their dad regrets getting the jab, got sick, and never traveled with the company. Nieces future husband dropped dead 2 weeks ago on their wedding day from a heart attack. He got the jab and met the slab. He was a firefighter – 51 yo. Another firefighter in his company, and in his 20’s dropped dead 3 weeks ago with a heart attack – after getting the covid. So many regrets, and no way to take it back. There’s enough evidence around that the jab will kill you. Pick your poison.

  15. My question is if we all trust/respect President Trump, why is there so much suspicion around the vac? Was he operating on bad intel? He certainly was tireless in (and proud of) his effort and success in getting this to market in record speed. Were all these nefarious labs waiting in the wings ready to take advantage of this exact situation? I’ve read enough anti-vac blogs and feel quite concerned about it which seems to be the general attitude on the conservative side. I also have a lot of Trump supporting friends and family that happily got vaccinated. I got the J&J shot myself mostly because my husband really pressured me and sometimes we go along to get along in a 32 year marriage.

    Also, what benefit is there to sterilize an entire world population? What’s the end game there? I just ask these questions because I want my tin foil hat to be a less conspicuous when I have conversations outside of this comment section

  16. erb, I believe Operation Warp Speed is Trump’s greatest failure. Why he keeps patting himself on the back for a successful rollout of this poison is beyond me. Was he duped? I don’t know, but this story will not be anything to be proud of.


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