We Mocked England For Call To Prayer Blaring in Their Cities– Where Does This Look Like? – IOTW Report

We Mocked England For Call To Prayer Blaring in Their Cities– Where Does This Look Like?

15 Comments on We Mocked England For Call To Prayer Blaring in Their Cities– Where Does This Look Like?

  1. I don’t know the geography of nyc, but it looks like they weren’t praying in the right direction, which real important to them.
    I figure I can pray anywhere, anytime.
    were they preying more than praying?

    AT 2:23 PM


    …more than that, in Islam not only is the permission of a non-Muslim woman not required for breeding purposes, forcible rape of non-Muslim woman is ENCOURAGED because the child is considered automatically Muslim and also to make it clear to women that being Muslim is the ONLY way to be “safe” from Muslim rape.


    …well, safe from rape except for her husband…

    “A female attendee asked Brown about the permissibility of sex with slaves, to which the professor stated that “Consent isn’t necessary for lawful sex,” and defined consent as a Western concept that emerged with women’s suffrage and female body autonomy. Brown, he said, believes that marital rape was an invalid concept in Islam.”

    …so one reason Muslims breed so prolifically is that, for non-Muslim women, it isn’t optional.

    See Sweden in particular for further details.


    …coming to wherever the Adhan is heard near you…

  3. “Muslims perform the Taraweeh prayer in New York City’s Times Square. The administration has given permission”.

    First Amendment: “…prohibits any laws that establish a national religion.”

    Soooooo, what exactly is the Administration trying to do here by “giving permission”.

    Is this, maybe, meant for all, or just this “religion” only?

    A friend wants to know.

  4. The above 1st Amendment wording was quoted exactly from Cornell U. Website. Their version: “…prohibits any laws that establish a national religion”

    Here is the UCLA version quoting the actual Amendment:

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”

    Notice any difference from Cornell’s “prohibits any laws that establish a national religion.”

    I am so sick of these illiterate, uneducated bastards, who someday may be creating laws in Congress!!

  5. Also Minneapolis approved broadcasting the islamic call to prayer 5 times a day, and unless I am misremembering, several cities in Michigan.
    This is how they are now invading and conquering.
    Go to those “evil” western countries, breed like rabbits, and become a majority, then dictate the rules and the laws.
    Even before becoming a majority, the useful idiots already are helping them, all in the name of “diversity and inclusion” and whatever crap they use as an excuse for this crap.


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