'We Must Cancel Thanksgiving,' Says CDC Scientist Who Looks Suspiciously Like A Turkey In A Lab Coat https://t.co/s46ahFqVF6
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) November 20, 2020
13 Comments on ‘We Must Cancel Thanksgiving,’ Says CDC Scientist
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You got me. My blood was boiling over the headline.
Idiots at the CDC can follow their own advice. This Is the land of the free, not the land of dicktater
morons in white coats.
Good one.
Fauci looks like an elf so Christmas is iffy.
It think it’s above their pay grade…..
Dr. Tryptophan, an assistant to Dr. Fauci at NIAID, was in the audience and yelled out, “Give me the bird!” Several people then flipped him off.
People in parts of the country will still take this turkey seriously.
Many weekends I work officiating junior tennis tournaments, this area routinely has flocks of wild turkeys roming the area. For some reason every November, for the last few years now, they are nowhere to be found. It’s like they know what’s going on and they are laying low, the damnedist thing.
Can’t wait for the leaked photos to appear of Fauci, Newsom and Cuomo dining with 25 or so of their closest friends. Then like always, they’ll apologize for their lapse in judgement and it’ll be forgotten.
I suspect a hidden agenda. 😉
We’re replacing the turkey this year with a huge beef brisket. I’m having it slow smoked at my local BBQ joint as I’m too busy with other chores. Come on, Thanksgiving!
We’re having the biggest family reunion gathering in 25 years. CDC can suck it.
LOL Fooled me. Almost did not open because the CDC has gotten so outlandish with their edicts and it makes me furious. Only in 2020 would many think the story was real.
I would like to wring that spokesguy’s neck, or cut his head off, either way. Then I’d fry his ass and carve his carcass into pieces. Any guts or heart I’d find (unlikely) I would donate to the local animal charity. Whatever’s left would go right into the garbage, and the rats at the garbage dump would finish him off.