It’s time to put our differences aside and accept reality. It’s time we unite behind @realDonalTrump and accept that he clearly is the choice of the @gop. We need an end to the insanity of the radical left & it’s clear Trump is the one that will need to make this happen.
— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) January 24, 2024
34 Comments on We Must Come Together and Defeat the Democrats
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Wrong! Just having the Haley/Ryan/McRomBush element involved is to fall into the same trap they set in 2016. They aren’t allies of people who believe in Constitutional conservatives. They are infiltrators who are far more ideologically aligned with Democrats than they are with anyone who believes in Constitutional conservatism. They are the enemy and must be decisively DEFEATED. I am hoping she stays in and The Donald uses her as a portal through which to get inside their ramparts and then kicks the living shit out of the dirty motherfuckers by exposing to the world what they stand for, have been up to and are currently trying to protect.
Good luck with that. Unfortunately “mean tweets” and shit. And oh yea, he likes fags. Amazing really, considering what this country is facing. Like it’s extinction. .
Trump “likes” gay people like he likes anyone else reasonable. Who would’t want the likes of Richard Genell around? As for the trans freaks, he thinks of the mentally ill like we do. I can’t imagine the US lasting as 50 states, anyway. Besides, our lives would be fantastic if we could break away from the swamp and leave them and all their problems behind.
But it’s not just the Demoncrats, it’s the Uniparty, WHO, NIH, FBI, CIA, UN, WEF, NATO, Soros, Gates,….
The deck is stacked against us and has been 30+ years in the making.
They’re stockpiling military aged illegals in key cities. I’m sure they’re stockpiling weapons as well.
Don’t forget Obama, Clinton ,Bush’s NGO called “Miles4Migrants” airline.
The 85,000 Afghans who came into the U.S. in 2021 and 2022.
Countdown – 282 days.
Even a successful election outcome won’t address the real issues or the real problems.
“Even a successful election outcome won’t address the real issues or the real problems.”
I guess that would depend on what you think the real problems are. I’m going with the swamp. And I’m thinking he’s going after the swamp like no other.
We need to shit-can both parties.
MAGA stands alone.
So when do we start building gallows? That’s what it gonna take! Dems and fukin RINOS must go!
“insanity of the radical left”
Implying there is a non-radical Left that is not insane?
What the hell is the non-radical Left? Peaceful Communists who take your stuff quietly and tell you it’s for the children? I.E., Democrats?
Oh, okay, gee, aren’t they just fine, then. Yeah. Part of the normal political landscape: benign Communists. Business as usual statists. Marxism throughout the culture counting on you being too stupid to notice.
Win in the primaries now lose in Nov. Tain’t gotta leg to stand on. The last time he won, well actually Hillary won the popular vote, was 2016,since then ALL DOWN HILL-ARY. Tell us hows dat winning feels, tards
More American citizens cast legitimate votes for Donald Trump than for any Presidential candidate ever. More than half of people recognize that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged, a sizable percentage of them truly believe there is enough evidence that it was stolen, that it is safe to say they honestly believe it was stolen. Here’s where it gets real interesting, a significant number of voters who can’t stand Trump honestly believe the election was rigged, but they don’t care. Anything to win is their attitude.
In other words, the number of citizens who believe the 2020 Presidential is legitimate is a minority. It naturally follows that most Americans think Biden is illegitimate. Constitutional conservatives are pissed about it, the left is hunky dory with it. The Republican establishment just wants to keep the gravy train from being derailed by Trump and they don’t give a shit one way or the other about legitimate elections so long as the corruption and grift continue.
^ Absolutely spot on, imo.
This lying bitch needs to be jailed:
E. Jean Carroll Has Accused SIX Men Of Sexual Assault and/or Rape — Including Former CEO of CBS
Don’t bet the farm on that Brad. And the problems we face stretch WAY BEYOND the Deep State, and he promised to drain the swamp the first time and continues to promote the jabs.
“continues to promote the jabs”
Did he? No he did not. He would not mandate the jab like others have tried to do and left it up to personal choice. I’m thinking he’s not your guy.
What he didn’t do is try and coerce or mandate that anyone get injected. I don’t know to what degree he still believes that those in positions that are ostensibly there to advise the president are legit, but that naivety did concern me. What is most important to me is he did not endorse coercion or outright force.
Jeez, I realize I sound like a Trump fanatic. That’s not the case. I have a few issues with decisions he’s made. But I end up sounding that way defending Trump from the likes of Loco, Golden Fox, etc.
Bottom line, Trumps domestic economic policies, his foreign economic policies were second to none. And also why he’s a big as target of the Globalist. He committed the ultimate sin. He cost them money while American families made more. Chinas on the rope right now because of DJT. His failures? The people he fucking hired. What was he thinking? I’m thinking he got played by the like of Mich the Bitch. I dunno. So here we are. Things to consider. Trumps resume. Someting that’s always overlooked with this guy is the number of businesses he’s swooped in, purchased for a song, and turned around. Ironically the one he couldn’t turn around and failed are the bankruptcies the idiot left likes to throw in your face. But imagine the jobs saved. So he’s a trouble shooter. He’s had plenty of time to trouble shoot this. I want to see him succeed. That’s why I’m voting for Trump. I wish people would just stick to facts.
Some Patriot brought up Rich Grenell today. You’re damn right I want that guy on my team and I could care less where he parks his salami.
If Trump isn’t on the ballot for whatever convoluted reason the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS come up with I’m writing him in! I can’t believe what we are witnessing in our country. Hang on, it will likely get worse.
I don’t have to say any more, I’m enjoying watching the ringing of hands and brow beating others for pointing out hypocrisy. Trump’s his worse enemy. I’m ashamed I voted for him….twice.
^^^^ I’m sure your children will thank you in a couple years. As they’re loaded onto the box cars. It would make me sick if you ended up voting for him.
Well Brad, using the box car scare tactic doesn’t work – I told you that a few threads ago and why. I have no grandchildren, but you do. You better be worrying about their little souls and not my kids. They’re on their way in life, doing well. My kids did it on their own, no politician helped them and never will. Go ahead and vote for a faggot lover, that tells me where your mind is at. There’s a reason that article about Trump holding a faggot party for them was shown to me. He’s working real hard for them…. and that’s totally acceptable to you and others. Okay, cool, I ain’t one of them. Blasphemy and an abomination..I’m not the one who said it…. 🙂
P.S. I’ll follow scripture = Book of Life Before Leaving Earth before I ever follow a politician.
Looks like it’s MAGA or bust. One party, your communist party with a dicktraitor. Will never happen!
You don’t like America get the FUCK out. For a one “COMMUNIST” party there are plenty of other countries that fit that bill.
You know who supports transgenders, pushes for men in women’s locker rooms, screwing up kids with hormone blockers? Democrats
If you are brainwashed that you think Trump supports all that – the media has done a successful job on you.
#Trump2024 or BUST!
Goldenfoxx – so who is your “fag” hating candidate that you want instead of Trump?
I’ll take Bust for $500,please.
MrLiberty – so who is your candidate instead of Trump?
@Mr Pinko: I don’t have a candidate. If it wasn’t for Trump and his blasphemy and all in for the faggots, I would have voted for him. Your vote or my vote isn’t going to change what the world is facing. I don’t feel right about any of them. Ever vote for the candidate of your choice only to get screwed over by them? Well, that’s how I feel. Never had a Presidential candidate tell the world he’s working hard for the faggots, as our country is going down the poop hole. It’s all talk……
@mr_pinko Sunday, 28 January 2024, 10:36 at 10:36 am
You know who supports transgenders, pushes for men in women’s locker rooms, screwing up kids with hormone blockers? Democrats
If you are brainwashed that you think Trump supports all that – the media has done a successful job on you.
#Trump2024 or BUST!
Trump says he’s working hard for them Mr. Pinko. Whose brainwashed? It’s a hard thing to swallow…..
But butt I do have a really good used car for sale 👎👎, oh no the miles weren’t turned back 🤞, was ever on an accident, no 🤞, flood car, no 🤞. It the most beautiful car ever built, as the doors fall off.
“The perfect is the enemy of the good.”
(in politics)
There is only one perfect man – and He is God-incarnate – and He doesn’t do politics.
Every other man is tainted with sin, duplicity, lies, lusts, &c.
The point of a Republic is to dissipate the excesses of temperament through the mitigating institutions of gov’t and society. To see how far the Republic has decayed, we only need to look at the locked-in goose-stepping of the media, gov’t, Wall St., Madison Ave., the Courts, and Academia – a mighty cabal in opposition to “normal” and all things civilized – bent on installing some weird nihilistic totalitarian version of Hell on the World.
Could we do better than President Trump? Perhaps.
Could we do worse? Look around you!
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
We did decades ago: Ike, Ronny.
But Don has been the best President since Ronny; BY FAR! He hurt himself; and Americawithal the “Bush Republicans” ; naming 2 well known of hundreds! : Bar, Austin.
Sure thing Brad.
Six months of crapping all over DeSantis and loons like Loomer saying his wife faked cancer, let’s come together and sing the negro national anthem…