House Minority Whip
You’re kidding, right? I’m white and it makes me flinch.
Loretta Lynch
Doesn’t she have a maiden name she can use? Tell me it’s not Noose.
The country simply has to be renamed so we can all relax.
Why even keep the name? It’s just a microaggression in waiting. Get rid of it. Let’s just call it “The Fruit Formally Known As §”.
It’s too close for comfort. So is “niblets, doing your colored wash, ninjas, knitter, Chocolate Babies, and, of course, Monkeybread.
I’ll be giving this some more thought in the future, and I’ll keep a notepad handy for when people say stuff that makes me feel funny and uncomfortable.
I’ll update later.
Let’s all jump into Mr. Peabody’s Wayback machine to the heyday of the UAW where contrary to popular belief Leonard Woodcock’s wife did not have splinters!
The worst word in the English language is BARRACK OBAMA.
“White” bread.
Shouldn’t watermelon be renamed Mr. Pinko fruit?
Black tea, white tea – gotta’ go, makes my skin crawl when I hear those racist terms.
BTW, the keys on a piano – just plain NO
Yale – gotta’ go. Sounds too much like ‘yell’ which is an aggression and probably some domestic violence thrown in. The name scares me.
“Black” lights.
And let’s just boycott brazil nuts. Because YOU KNOW what people used to call those.
Mount Rushmore gotta go.
Ugli fruit! Rename it now! Microaggression against people who are beauty-challenged!!
A few more before I watch the dreaded football.
Climax and Middlesex NC must be wiped off the map along with Intercourse PA.
Microaggressions against women.
The worst is rapeseed. Aggression! Rape whistle, rape whistle.
1. reluctant to give or spend; stingy; miserly.
2. meanly or ungenerously small or scanty: a niggardly tip to a waiter.
Blue Balls PA is homophobic, gotta go.
Flush the phrase “common sense” down the toilet.
There is NO sense on college campuses nowadays.
PORK…for obvious reasons…
It’s a wonder that for the money being burned for tuition, books, dorms, and living expenses that some students choose to pass their college time worked up over this nonsense (there, I said it!). Don’t they have to attend classes, study, and take exams to pass courses and acquire credits toward graduation?
rapeseed. wow.
that has to go.
it has 2 microaggressions in it.
Naval Seaman.
What about Spanish words? They gotta come up with another word for “black”. Negro just ain’t gonna cut it. Uh oh. Can I say that?
Spic & Span
Malediction (!)
Even though, amazingly, some black’s name their kids SIMIAN!
And coming up after the weather and Al Roker taking us for an inside look at his Spin Class, 13 negros shot, 5 dead, in 8 hours today in Chitcago including a 5 year old boy..
Lets help bring about the political beheading of Rahm Emenuale and get some attention on that bastard. Drudge should have a daily ticker up top for the shootings and slaughters just like the national debt clock.
Cotton and cotton pickin’ must exit the national lexicon this cotton pickin’ minute!
“monkey bread”…because we all knew it was pointed at chimps and therefore blacks…
I’m gonna buy up all of the lawn jockeys with a lantern to light up my walkway because I know that brass lanterns refer to Paul Reveres ride, therefore the white colonists that did such miserable deeds to the indigenous tribes and the British…The British are an oppressed minority now…right?…soon…
Muzzle= muzzi= muslim=scum.
300 Blackout can solve this problem
I don’t think we can just re-name watermelon. A guy was insulted when someone just brought one into the office. So…..gotta ban ’em! Or call ’em commie-enviro fruit–green on the outside red in the middle. No. That won’t do. Better ban ’em.
No more Black Loafers.
Black kids want to grow up and become rapers. Only they don’t know how to spell rappers.
Iroc-Z and Jujube
But it’s still ok to use “porch monkey”, right?
Yea, that was taken back.
Then only criminals would have watermelons.
If a school kid can’t draw a picture of a gun, nobody should be allowed to use the hurtful words, “Gun Control”. Somebody could get hurt.
Anchor – as in anchor babies
Planned Parenthood should be replaced with Parts Production…
Phone and Pen
should be replaced with
Phony in Penitentiary
The horror!
Disgusting aggressions against women:
Sexist MENtal illness should be humankind illness.
The name Mary highly offends me because it’s too close to Merry as in Christmas and that’s cramming religion down my throat. And that cramming phrase used above is a horrendous microaggression towards women.
When giving directions it should be forbidden to say ‘go straight’. How offensive. Tell people to go ‘gayly forward’ instead.
Lickety split and packing the meat have to go now.
Everything is offensive to triggered micro(brain)aggression “victims” and could include just the letters of the alphabet.
Speaking of the word, “trigger”. The ironies are endless. It’s a word progressive tools should not be using based on their terms of aggression.
The name “Democrat” is hateful and offensive. Since college regressives want to remove names of founding fathers who owned slaves, then why not remove the name of the political party that endorsed and fought for slavery. Which party fought against Civil Rights? Which party formed the KKK? Which party stood for Jim Crow laws?
The name “Democrat” should be the first and foremost word that needs to be expunged because of its dark and evil history.
“Fathers Day” the most confusing day in the ghetto, very hurtful.
They could change the name to
“Hispanic on a Bridge”…
I’ve seen Shitesha and Lavoris…
Good luck getting rid of those.
Used to?
Whaddya mean “used to”? Were we supposed to stop?
You forgot Fuquay Varina!
And I can’t remember if it’s in west Va. or W.V. , but there’s also that neatly trimmed and always freshly cleaned tourist destination where men come from all over the country, Fancy Gap! Ironically, on the drive from NC, you hit it before you get to Lovers’ Lane!
I’m pretty sure most of them are aiming to be both of those things.
Speck has to go. Can be construed as “very small spick.”
Fuquay Varina is in NC too. Big chemical plant used to be there. made the folks a little odd.
Then there’s Lizard Lick NC…..and we know what that means.
Awesome blog!
The world is constantly changing and I think new words are added to our vocabulary. Thank goodness for the right words and for the seemingly bad words, hmmm it makes everyone cringe.