We Must Leave the UN Human Rights Council – IOTW Report

We Must Leave the UN Human Rights Council

American Thinker: By now, it is clear that the U.N. Human Rights Council, created in 2006 with noble intentions on the basis of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is one of the international organizations that has little interest in the real violations of human rights in the world.  The majority of the 47 members of the UNHRC have shown little concern for their mandate: to be responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe, for addressing situations of human rights violations, and ro making recommendations on them.  How sanguine could one be about a group that includes Cuba, Congo, Burundi, Angola, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Venezuela, China, and Pakistan?

Moreover, the geographical distribution of membership is weighted in favor of Africa and Asia: African states 13, Asia and Pacific 13, Latin America and Caribbean 8, Western Europe and others 7, and Eastern Europe 6.  Membership can also be evaluated in the light of the Global Gender Gap report of the World Economic Forum that lists the gap in144 countries: almost at the bottom are Pakistan, Qatar, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, members of the UNHRC.

It is not too strong to argue that UNHRC has been perverted to such a degree that it is a useless and worthless organization, hypocritical and skilled in its formulation of double standards for different countries.  Those double standards mostly relate to the disproportionate amount of time and number of critical resolutions relating to the State of Israel.  As of 2017, Israel was condemned 78 times, compared with peace-loving Syria 29 times, friendly North Korea 9, times and Iran 6 times.  Most non-democratic states, such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, and China, have never been condemned.  MORE

10 Comments on We Must Leave the UN Human Rights Council

  1. The entire UN is a worthless, hypocritical and politically partisan organization, established to usher in a one world governing body.

    Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

  2. We should have stopped letting the UN run things “ON OUR DIME” 57 years ago!
    We should just plain leave and make it pay fair rent for its buildings. We were smart to stay out of the League and dumb, very dumb, to join the United! Americans have needlessly died because of the UN! And our friends have been hurt bad!

  3. I remain skeptical any time “noble intentions” is ever brought up as to someone’s motivations to the point that I reject the premise in its entirety.

    If we leave the Non-Specified, Genderless Human or Hu-woman, Hu-Other Council it will be weaponized against it.

    The UN Declaration of Human Rights is a love song to Communism and a blueprint to Totalitarians. It’s all “people need respect and an education, food, medicine, their heart’s desires” until they get to the end and then it’s:

    “Article 29.

    (1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
    (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
    (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations”

    So, your rights come from the UN. Without “The Community”, the Individual is not possible so your duty to participate is mandatory in order to ‘develop your personality’. “Morality” is determined by law and voting and to that you shall not object.

    There are no gods before the UN and
    Ban Ki-Moon is xhe’s Prophet.


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