We must stop importing medication from China – IOTW Report

We must stop importing medication from China

American Thinker- If there’s a silver lining to the novel coronavirus, it’s that our dependence on China for medication and medical devices has been brought to the fore (at least to those paying attention).

Our dependence on China for these vital supplies is insane for all the obvious reasons, not the least of which is how quickly we could be brought to our knees.  We must act now to break this dependence and start manufacturing medication here at home.

India, which manufactures most of the world’s generic drugs, is already taking steps to reduce its reliance on ingredients from China (here).  This point is worthy of a brief explanation.  Although a medication may be made in a certain country, the active and inactive ingredients for that medication almost always come from China.  So while China may not manufacture the final product, it holds the keys to production.

Not good.

13 Comments on We must stop importing medication from China

  1. The wake up call should go well beyond drug manufacturing. We should yank all military, communication, food and a host of other operations out of China. It is a country run by insecure,inept thieves with no good intentions for the world. The reliance upon them for so much leaves the world vulnerable to all sort of downturns. Imagine the effect on the world economy if and when China’s government collapses.

  2. We have just about everything made in China or assembled from parts made in China. We have become dependent on low prices often accepting lower quality just to get a bargain. We used to make the best product in the world but we became bargain shoppers. Imagine what unemployment and GDP would be if we made and bought our own.

  3. The simple fact is that we don’t NEED China or Mexico or Canada or any of the others – guys like the Apple dude and Bloomberg and GE and steel and widget marketers make $Billions off the slave labor – which is generally good for the US consumer – not so much for the US manufacturer (the guys who actually manufacture things, not their Wall Street Masters).
    We don’t have so much of a “symbiotic” relationship with the world as a “parasitic.” The Globaloney-ists have tried to shackle us to the invalids and retards of the World in order to disintegrate the bonds of Liberty and sense of Freedom we have and force us to copy the degeneracies and malignancies of the more socialized (thus less free) universe. As long as America stands as a beacon of Hope, Freedom, Justice, and Liberty she is an insult and a chastisement to the rest of the World. Freedom, Justice, and Liberty are besieged but Hope springs eternal. Carter, Clinton, Obola, and Sanders (or Biden) will complete the destruction – a fairly superficial look at the Obola Administration should illustrate just how fragile Freedom is and how close we came to tyranny.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Imagine a vacuum cleaner, oven, radio, or other household appliance that worked without a having to be repaired over and over again — for decades. We used to have that: GE, RCA, Amana, Singer, etc. American built, tough products. It was a source of pride to be able to say your product would last forever. Now, meh, we don’t even have shoes resoled. Millenials who whine and cry about saving the planet, think nothing of throwing a 62″ flat screen tee vee in the garbage after a couple of years and replacing it with a bigger one. I still get angry when something breaks before five years’ use. I have a 1940’s Hoover vacuum that got passed down through the family and the bag on it has never needed replacing. No disposable bags, either.

    Bringing our drug and medical device manufacturing home is and should be considered a matter of national security on an order at least as high as energy independence. This CV scare does have a silver lining if it causes people to think about who we have relied on for these things. Imagine the Chinese manufacturing all of our weapons.

  5. AA
    AMAT, Lam Research, Matson, etc, etc. Are currently very busy re establishing their Silicon Valley supply chain. China can’t ship anything right now.

  6. I can’t even buy a decent flashlight at Home Depot anymore. They are all made in China and work back-asswards. They are in the form of a gun, so you pull the trigger, but the light doesn’t come on when you do that. The light comes on when you release the trigger.

    How effed up is that? It’s not normal to design a flashlight that comes on when you turn it off. WTF?

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