We Need Some Creative Sentencing Here – IOTW Report

We Need Some Creative Sentencing Here

63-year-old Geralynne A. Berg came upon a school bus stopped at the intersection of state highway 27 / 70 and Martin in the village of Radisson, WI (about 30 miles from where I live). Rather than waiting for the bus to proceed, old Geralynne decided to pass on the right. She probably wouldn’t have had difficulty with this illegal maneuver, except that there was a 4-year-old in her way. More

29 Comments on We Need Some Creative Sentencing Here

  1. “You are advised that a charge is merely an accusation and that a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.”

    Thanks, journo. We knew that. But I can see where Bob Mueller and Adam Schiff might have made you think otherwise.

    I’m sure the 4-year-old’s parents were reassured at the jurno’s stab at unbiasness here. Funny, how the writer doesn’t offer another explanation for how that little girl ended up under that SUV that day, if the drive wasn’t responsible – Dr. Tar

  2. @geoff the aardvark:

    …she looks like a meth head

    I dunno. That mug shot looks like a 26-year-old meth head, but the article says she’s 62. Do meth heads ever get that old? She’s terminally ugly in any case.

  3. Have Geralynne stand in front of a stationary school bus. A parent of the child who was hit gets to drive a car from behind the bus either to the left side or the right side. When the buzzer sounds, Geralynne must jump either right or left, and the parent driver drives either to the left or the right. Do this four times – one time for each year of age for the child.

    It’s a form of trial by combat. If Geralynne manages to guess correctly, she wins. If not, then a valuable lesson may be learned.

  4. aleon

    Yackel’s has hit on some good ones on the past. There was a wayward son from some a wealth / connected Minneapolis family who was drunk behind the wheel and vehicular manslaughted on New Years night. While the driver got the usual suspended licence, the judge also sentenced him to return to jail every New Years Eve to sit and remember what he’d done that night.

    The loser eventually was killed a few winters later driving his snowmobile recklessly on our lake. The locals story goes that his girl friend at the time was right behind him and when he lost control she drove her sled right over him. I don’t know if that last part is true, but it would have been karma.

    Geralynne should never get behind the wheel of another vehicle and anyone who gives her the keys to another car should serve time. Perhaps she should be made to wear a t-shirt or placard warning people not to ever lend her a car.

  5. You are presumed innocent, but the fact that a 4-year old is under your car is pretty convincing evidence.
    I would add Reckless Endangerment, Assault with a Deadly Weapon and attempted manslaughter to the charges, and she better hope I wasn’t on the jury. If the law allows, I wouldn’t let her out until the child is an adult (or ever), and I would never allow her behind the wheel again.

  6. Seems like everyone on the road is in a rush these days. At times I get rammy, but School Buses are nothing to mess with you’ll be wrong even if your right. Glad the kid is okay.

  7. She should be sentenced to a completely mirrored jail cell – floor & ceiling too – so she has to spend her whole sentence, LOOKING at that ugly mug!!! 😮

    And NO DRAMAMINE for it either!!!! 😳

  8. Old democrat hag drives down lovely Trump-supporting student wearing a MAGA hat.
    Oh, you meant creative criminal sentencing not a creative sentence. My bad!
    She should be sentenced to paying all of the medical bills for the girl for the next 10 years and 3 years jail time making bus license plates & fold-out STOP signs.

  9. loshonhora
    MARCH 6, 2020 AT 5:02 PM
    “not for nothing, but how do you pass a schoolbus on the right? don’t they pull up to the curb?”

    Exactly. And who lets a 4- year old walk into the street alone? I have 3 four-year-old grand kids; I wouldn’t let
    them within 50 feet of a street alone. Did the bus driver have on his flashing red lights? Lots of unanswered questions.


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