We Often Hear Cruz Is Hated By Colleagues in the Senate… AND??? – IOTW Report

We Often Hear Cruz Is Hated By Colleagues in the Senate… AND???

Why would being hated by colleagues in the senate necessarily be a bad thing?

That might be a good thing.

ht/ just the tip

21 Comments on We Often Hear Cruz Is Hated By Colleagues in the Senate… AND???


    1) Conservative Review is IN THE TANK for Cruz (sometimes to the point of over the top anti-Trump articles)

    SO, F*CK the “likability” cr*pola, already!!!

    2.1) It’s all the Cruz Camp and its supporters have left, since it’s pretty clear to everyone EXCEPT his supporters that Cruz doesn’t have the breadth of support to win nationwide.

    2.2) Cruz has shown himself to be run-of-the-mill political scum.

    2.2.1) But I CAN ACCEPT THAT, as I’m from DC and know (and hate) the reality of things.

    2.2.2) If you CAN’T, ask yourself WHY, in light of the “STASI-here’s-your-neighbors’-voting-record” scandal and the “NIXONIAN Carson is quitting scandal (the coverup is worse than the crime)” WHY you truly still support Cruz, or if it’s DENIAL of his betrayal to AMERICAN Values.

  2. Here is the only way being “hated” in any organization can be a problem — if no one wants to listen to or work with you. And this is why Trump talks about getting along with everyone. But there’s probably some misunderstanding about both the “hate” and the “getting along” comments. Trust is the basic issue in either one. Do you trust someone who may bring your name up in a negative way to the press or on the floor of the senate? Can you trust someone who you think is selling out to your enemies? Probably “no” to either. How much weight do we give each candidate, based on facts? That’s where doing your own research versus listening to superPAC ads or stump speeches really helps.

  3. This is exactly why I support Cruz. The establishment’s hatred of him is evidence that he is doing what he promised his constituents he would do. (Such an asshole!)

    Trump can say anything he wants, because he has no record to expose the truth. (Reminds me of another candidate, not too long ago.) To the extent that Trump does have a record – his public statements over the years – what he claims to believe in is not what he has practiced. But Trump explains all of those inconsistencies away, and his fans ignore them.

    And if Trump’s camp had been hustling in Iowa and made an aggressive move resulting in an error the way Cruz’s camp did, all of his fans would believe his explanation and forgive him. Just like I’m doing with Cruz.

    Thanks again for your fairness, BFH. That’s all that keeps me coming back during the primary season.

  4. The irony is that Trump’s support think he is THE guy that will do deals with everyone, ’cause he’s just that lovable a guy, or because he’s not afraid to use his pen and his phone either, if things don’t go his way (and violate the Constitution, for the greater good, of course) but Cruz can’t get elected because Washington hates him, and because the Bern and the Witch are such attractive options, and their Marxism has worked so well the last seven years.

  5. You Trump supporters need to ask yourselves why he went on stage and called Cruz a ‘pussy”.
    As candidates drop out, Trump support is not increasing, it is going to the others. If that doesn’t change, Trump loses.
    That he wants Rubio (as does his foil, FOX news) to be in second place is transparently obvious.
    What does that accomplish?
    Hillary Clinton as president.
    Do the math.
    A lot of people are saying that Trump is winning by getting the left wing media to do his campaign advertising for free.
    Think about it. They know he is saying that, yet they keep doing it.
    You don’t need a MENSA IQ to understand their motive.

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