We Once Had Dignaty – IOTW Report

We Once Had Dignaty

We once could be proud of our edumacational system. But no longer because of Trump.

32 Comments on We Once Had Dignaty

  1. Sorry, Sir Fur, but I am entitled to differ…by placing the total blame on osh^thead, another 100% blame on that fully poor excuse for a FLOTUS, then an additional full amount of blame on do-nothing Arne Dunk-f#ck, and another 1,000% blame on John Crybaby, Harry Blind eye and each of their cohorts in Congress. That’s why the chick can’t spell bc of course, I could not place ANY blame on her parents, Zuckerbook, twee, Nitwitflix or GOT, could I?

  2. Don’t blame them the day they were to be taught how to spell dignity they were in detention for the high crime and misdemeanor of sniffing airplane glue!

  3. “Don’t blame them the day they were to be taught how to spell dignity”
    They don’t teach spelling. They haven’t for decades. My youngest is 35 and I remember he had to do a paper and “spelling doesn’t matter.” I said, it does in THIS HOUSE and made him proof read. I also remember getting a note from the “teacher” that read, “J” is needing to improving his handwriting. I sent him back a scorching reply. Then we home schooled for 3 years.

  4. Dignaty: Being able to say “fuck you” to all the people who pay for the free shit you live on because you’re too much of a useless fucktard to survive on your own.

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