We Only Have One Texas – IOTW Report

We Only Have One Texas

1978- It’s your chance to save America.

Via Thirdtwin

22 Comments on We Only Have One Texas

  1. Yeah, let’s restart our oil production, build new refineries, and keep American oil in America, instead of sending it overseas so the Saudis can sell it back to us at inflated prices.

  2. There’s Texas and Not Texas. The Not Texans can come for a nice visit, but if you stay you will respect our borders, language and culture. Then you will earn the right to be Texan.

    Woe unto those who fail at this task.

  3. Additional note: Austin and most of El Paso, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio, as well as the whole Rio Grande Valley, are not really considered part of Texas. We only maintain these areas in order to keep an eye on the Democrats who are concentrated there. Think of it as a quarantine zone which has been established in order to keep a plague bacillus from spreading.


  4. dear Texas: you are the only state, by virtue of it’s agreement w/ the US to be annexed, that can ‘opt out’ … you should do so asap, before the progtard Kalipornians & Arizonian refugees get w/ the illegals & take you over
    succeed … while you still have time
    you’ll thank me in the morning

  5. reboot

    Talks cheap. The gauntlet has been laid down. Slapped in the face of Texicans across err Texas I guess. Us Battle Tested Northern California Snow Flake Fighters need to see some arterial spurting to be impressed. Go get em. And film it. No film, no proof.

  6. California Snow Flake Fighters?

    You need a T’shirt with CSFF on the back. With a happy
    face bruised and bloody.

    I hope antifa get’s it’s ass wiped out.

  7. Dude, I can see it.

    I’ve a lovely PR-24 from the ’80’s that’s
    happy to meet a head. I’d love a Marine Corps
    riot baton but can’t find one.
    In the ’80s we had the support of a FAST team
    out of Norfolk for our defueling. They taught a
    shipboard security course for two weeks. I learned
    their mentality of breaking things and blowing shit
    up. Those guys were incredible.
    Until they start putting those asses in the hospital,
    they won’t go away.

  8. The Texas ANTIFA demonstration could be a false flag operation.

    Here’s a comment from their Facebook page:

    “Texas Antifa is fake. It is very obvious. If you go to the page you will see that the only comments to the page are insults and threats by conservatives. If you look into it’s followers you will notice it’s a long list of republicans. Not a single liberal, democratic or extremist agenda is mentioned. There are no groups affiliated with this page. It was probably created by a fellow conservative or some pot stirrer in an attempt to cause an unneeded protest. If you go to this protest all you will see is republicans waiving flags and guns. Have fun.”

  9. @Vietvet, “republicans waiving flags and guns”

    LOL. Wrong group.

    Republicans might wave a flag for freedom, but not going to refrain from it (waive) or guns.

  10. Went to school in TX back in the day. Gas was $1/gallon and you could get a 64-oz “to go” tap beer at the drive-thru window at Billy Bob’s Beer Barn. The folks in Austin do their damnest to bring it all down to NYC or California (sub) standards. I saw that gas now is ~$2/gallon and the shale revolution is only going to continue and explode, lotsa new deposits are being discovered in the Permian Basin. Today you can’t drink and drive “as long as you aren’t drunk” as in a better era.

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