We the People Should Wake the ef Up – IOTW Report

We the People Should Wake the ef Up

Elon Musk’s offer to buy twitter was accepted on a Monday. By Thursday the government had established a “ministry of truth.”

Amazing how fast the government will move to protect their own interest and power.

Imagine if the government moved this fast to work for “we the people.” – Carl Higbie

Higbie is a “Flag waving, meat eating, gun toting, #NavySEAL, #Author, #MAGA. “

Host @Newsmax “Wake up America Weekend” 7am Sat & Sun,

10 Comments on We the People Should Wake the ef Up

  1. The Feds not only established a Ministry of Truth, but they appointed a woman who promoted all of the Trump conspiracy theories, since debunked, and a lib who denied that Hunter Biden’s laptop was genuine, as the head of that agency. Well, I suppose she would recognize disinformation when she sees it because she is an expert at spreading it.

  2. Obama was out for 2 weeks ranting about how there needs to be more censorship of speech that is not approved of by the Borg Dem Collective.
    It was his idea.

  3. Since when does the U.S. have things called “ministries” or titles like “minister” or “czar”? Since Oblowme, that’s when. More unelected admins for the Administrative State. The congress is truly irrelevant.

    Here’s an idea: When they add pretend regulators, we are free to ignore them. I refuse to play along.

  4. Imagine if the government would just stay in their own lane – JDHasty

    Particularly when it comes to where the United States Constitution EXPRESSLY prohibits them from operating.

  5. I’m not sure starving the beast would be effective because they control the magic money machine. I’m pretty certain they’ve got the manpower to round up as many of us they desire. Facilities to house us are not really an issue. There are backhoes and other heavier pieces of equipment galore across the nation.

    Plans are in place just waiting for the right time to execute them. The MoT had to have been in the works prior to it being rolled out.

    They’re many steps ahead of us. The truly sad thing is that they appear to very astute students of history. What they’re implementing has been done numerous times before. They’re following the playbook.

    We understand history well too. I think that we either are not willing to go to the extremes required to fight back effectively, are up against a global enemy too big to take on, or maybe we just don’t have the leadership required.

  6. Voter rolls and ID and getting rid of Dominion
    Can’t wait for that Mules film
    but then what in places still controlled by Dem Secy of States, Govs, like Michigan? I isigned up at TrueTheVote but where are they?

  7. I rarely miss Carl’s show on Saturdays. If you’re om Instagram he’s a must follow.
    As far as what the Nazis are up to, they won’t stop until we stop them. An we won’t stop them in a voting booth.

  8. @mystaclean May 2, 2022 at 11:19 am

    > we either are not willing to go to the extremes required to fight back effectively, are up against a global enemy too big to take on, or maybe we just don’t have the leadership required

    Or will only accept a solution that someone else pays us for, to achieve a “solution” that can not exist, after they sign multiple contracts assuring “us” that they will surrender success to those that brought us here, after their checks clear.

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