We will open fire on the immigrant caravan if they throw stones says Trump – IOTW Report

We will open fire on the immigrant caravan if they throw stones says Trump

Trump move toward automatically rejecting asylum claims of caravan.

This is called being a Commander- in- chief, one that protects the interests of THE UNITED STATES.

32 Comments on We will open fire on the immigrant caravan if they throw stones says Trump

  1. Anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police – where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico – we will consider that a firearm,’ Trump warned.

    You go Mr. President!

  2. Don’t forget the Acorn/Antifa/Soros drones who will bus down to the border to complicate things. They’ll think everything that could go wrong will be in their favor, and the worse the better, so it’s an opportunity they can’t miss. When ONE of them gets shot or wounded, it’ll suddenly be Trump’s Kent State (you heard it here first) and he’ll be branded a war criminal who pitted the U.S. military against its own citizens. Calls will come from Republicans heading for the tall grass for Trump to pull the troops out and declare amnesty. Shrieks of impeachment will commence worldwide. It’ll be a nightmare.

    Just watch.

  3. grool is right. There is little doubt that some jack asses ,along with some left leaning politicians and friends, will try and interfere with the operation one way or another. Arrest them and haul them off to a military jail and then charge them with aiding the enemy.

  4. All the leftist media needs is one protestor to be wounded and it won’t matter by whom or how badly. The blame will be laid on L.E. or military, ultimately upon Trump. The Republicans (most anyway) will fold like a Chinese ironing board.

    Time to go all in and make the ’68 Chicago convention look like a Methodist picnic.

  5. I’m looking forward to the excitement. It’ll be better than the four major sports plus MME and boxing.

    A war on our doorstep. It doesn’t happen often. Maybe picnickers will show up on the hillsides to the north to cheer on our boys like they did in the civil war!

  6. The Deep State and it’s lapdog media will consider any incident on the border to stop caravans of invaders as another Holocaust.
    Yet, there are more Americans who openly or silently support strict, deadly force by the US military to protect our country’s sovereignty despite the hysterical response by the left. Trump seems to know it.

  7. I thinking rubber bullets as a first line of defense with the real deal if they start anything deadly.
    Trump isn’t going to tip his hand.
    I wouldn’t mind them trying out some new equipment?
    Just don’t think gunning down unarmed people is going to play out well.
    Stand your ground but be overwhelmingly prepared.

  8. The Israelis experienced a bum rush of their border by real infidels and we really have something to learn from.

    In our case, woman and children, not KIDS, will be pushed to the front when the caravan approaches. And MORE will attempt after that.

    Or will they disperse as they get closer? Meaning disperse as in filter through the uncontrolled border?

    Build the effing wall already.


  9. Don’t forget the Acorn/Antifa/Soros drones who will bus down to the border to complicate things. They’ll think everything that could go wrong will be in their favor, and the worse the better, so it’s an opportunity they can’t miss.

    grool, anyone coming up behind the forces at the border should be forced south into Mexico. Then the Mexican border patrol should be notified that these are U.S. Marines with firearms.

  10. ^ Which raises the question: just what kind of tactical military operation are we – in fact – prepared for?

    This one could get out of control real fast.

    Full interdiction south of the border might be required to take our Communist media out of it and stop the advance before it reaches the border.


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