We wish a speedy recovery for Dianny @PatriotRetort – IOTW Report

We wish a speedy recovery for Dianny @PatriotRetort


So much for feeling better-


Whelp, I jinxed myself. All my rosy claims Saturday about feeling better turned out to be a wee bit premature.

I was rushed to the ER Saturday night.

As an adult who still behaves like I kid, it was kind of cool riding in an ambulance. I’ve never done that before. But from my vantage point, it wasn’t nearly as fun as I thought it would be. Mostly I stared at a plastic seat covered with towels.

It’s never as good as you think it will be.

The upside of going to the ER in an ambulance is not having to sit for hours in the waiting room.

The downside is being in an ER late Saturday night.

It was crazy night in the Upstate Emergency Room. Holy mackerel.

The patient in the curtained exam room next to mine who was quiet as a mouse for hours, suddenly went full on psycho. Screaming, biting, kicking, spitting. It’s what I imagine a first date with Lena Dunham would be like.

There were a dozen people trying to get her under control. Every now and then, one of them would stumble into the curtain dividing my exam room from hers. I figured it was only a matter of time before the whole mishegas ended up on my gurney.

During the fracas, a nurse stepped into my room, walked up to my bed and said, “Hi. Wanna get out of here?”

“Yeah. I think that would be good.” She took my gurney and moved me off of Crazy Lane… MORE

29 Comments on We wish a speedy recovery for Dianny @PatriotRetort

  1. Thanks everybody. I got hit with an infection that I completely underestimated until the lower half of my body became a festering piñata ready to burst.

    Wow. That was way too much information.

    But the sun is shining and I’m lying here watching cars and trucks zoom through the city on 81. And I am out of here in three hours! Not that I’m counting.

  2. Dianny, you were experiencing the exact same thing that happened to me in the hospital. I was in ICU for 6 days with screaming bat shit crazies, the night nurses knew how to party, and I hated the morphine. I begged and begged for a sleeping pill but no way in hell were they going to give it to me. I feel for you, at least you’re home and in your own element. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

  3. Glad that you are back home and on the way to full recovery. Her’s some advice: if the “kid in you” ever gets an itch to ride in a police car, make sure you are sitting in the front seat. 🙂

  4. I recall being on a constant morphine feeding frenzy after my prostate was taken out. This was ten years ago, right around the time that Putin’s adversary Aleksandr Litvinenko was posoned by ingesting a radioactive pea.

    So for about 36 hours, I stared at a TV image of Litvinenko staring back at me from a hospital bed. Eventually, I was thinking “If this goes on much longer, I’m going to lose my mind …. One of the reasons I thought that was because I was beginning to see three TV sets with Litvinenko on the wall. That morphine, what a hoot.

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