Weak1: Seats Still Empty for Several Teams as NFL’s 100th Season Kicks Off – IOTW Report

Weak1: Seats Still Empty for Several Teams as NFL’s 100th Season Kicks Off

Breitbart Sports:

This week starts the NFL’s 100th season, but some teams seem to still be finding a awful lot of empty seats.

As the Cleveland Browns took on — and lost 43-13 to — the Tennessee Titans at FirstEnergy Stadium, for instance, fans took to social media to express their shock at the number of empty seats:

20 Comments on Weak1: Seats Still Empty for Several Teams as NFL’s 100th Season Kicks Off

  1. Might have heard on Clay Travis? Not sure. NFL makes enough money on TV rights to pay all their bills. Stadium seats, souvenirs, beer n hot dog income pure profit. So the National Felon’s League is down, but they need to be down and out.

  2. I gave up on the NFL when all the anti-american spoiled brats began kneeling and they so offended me that I will NEVER give them one red cent EVER again.

    All their hopes and dreams lay in Goosmells plan to “outsource” the NFL to countries that hate america and since he uses his job-given G5 to jet all over the planet he will get as many free vacations as he wants in the name of expanding their brand.

    For once my HD antenna was receiving Boston stations so I checked in on the Patriots to see how the world champs did in filling their stadium for their “flag raising” of last years winning banner and it surprised me to see every seat filled with mouth-breathers cheering while the players paid more respect to their flag than America’s.

    I still say watch the LFL, Canadian football, arena football, or even a pick-up game at your local park… ANYTHING but supporting the american hating LOSERS of the NFL.

  3. I’m in Cleveland and after that absolute mauling yesterday the Browns should be panicking! Yesterday was just a good reason to get drunk in a parking lot. 181 yards lost due to 18 penalties, and Greg Robinson getting ejected for kicking a Titan in the head demonstrated the level of ineptitude and thuggery involved! That wasn’t a game, it was a shit show! I made the right choice to stay home and watch the riots on TV…

  4. While I agree why pay $$$ to see a game where the players disrespect the US Flag and National Anthem. Where Team Owners and the NFL take little action that was way too late.

    I quit attending NFL games long ago. The stadium food prices and seat ticket put my family of 5 back almost $350 and that was in 1996 for a St. Louis Rams game. That was big chunk of my take home pay.

    College Games are getting just as expense now, as Colleges rake in $Million$

    Friday Night Lights is where we are at now. An watch how quick a HS player is sent packing for pulling a media stunt.

  5. Even Minnesota had a lot of empty Seats…

    On a side note..Our Local Rag reran a story from the Tampa Paper

    I believe, Saying that FSU Seats are empty because too many

    Crimigrants are worried about ICE Arresting Them if They show up at

    College Football Game…Please…If They were embracing Our Culture

    They wouldn’t be as big as a problem.

    We’re seeing Football being phased out in Our Youth Leagues…

    For the “People’s Game of Soccer”


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