Website allegedly run by University of Washington students allows public accusations of sexual assault with no evidence – IOTW Report

Website allegedly run by University of Washington students allows public accusations of sexual assault with no evidence

Naaaaa. The left is not comprised of unhinged and deranged witch hunters. Not at all-

College fix-

The website, titled “Make them scared UW,” was first registered in November of last year but reportedly launched in late September of this year by University of Washington students, the Daily UW campus newspaper reports.

It appears that the list of accused rapists and sexual assault perpetrators has grown substantially on the site in recent weeks in the wake of the rape claims made against U.S. Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Meanwhile, one student named on “Make them scared UW” told The College Fix that the allegation is false, that the University of Washington has dismissed the allegations against him as completely uncorroborated and cleared him of any wrongdoing.

Thus far, every person named on the list is male, and their names include the school they attend.


21 Comments on Website allegedly run by University of Washington students allows public accusations of sexual assault with no evidence

  1. Some people inspired by the Kavanaugh witch trial may be in for a nasty surprise when they learn the available legal recourse for defamation is different if the target is not a public figure.

  2. How is this not immediately suable? Is suable a word? Actionable? Whatever. We need to return IMMEDIATELY to a wiser, saner, safer time when scary public examples were made of people who deserved it. Uncover and utterly destroy financially and professionally whoever is behind it. NOW. It’d be for their own good because eventually, people will literally begin fighting back with blood in the street.

  3. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – forwarding a BOGO coupon to you, it’s for a Cory Booker and Diane Feinstein. Will only be validated by CNN, if so, the Ammo is free! 1 day only

  4. they’ve since changed the rules, now they changed the form to require additional verification.
    such as:
    All submissions published now require you to provide a means of contacting the accuser and a social media profile of the accused.

    probably because the site was getting raped itself.


    check the List out. i see d3rps

    luckily, i didn’t see any of my names.

  5. I strongly recommend to all men who don’t want to get their life ruined, no matter how horny you may get, to have nothing to do with any woman you meet who thinks it’s okay to falsely smear a guy as a sexual assaulter or rapist as a means to fuck him over. Shun such women, don’t even talk to them; don’t engage them. Because, sooner or later, it’s gonna be your turned to get completely screwed. Cunts like this need to learn that they will be persona non gratis if they think ruining a guy’s life is just a matter of “girls just wanna have fun”. Stick to smart conservative girls who know how to carry their own water, and would hang their head in shame before pretending to be a rape victim for attention and social weaponizing.

  6. TheMule – Damn that’s really deep! What do think about the same ‘Cunts’ who are honestly sexually assaulted and raped? F’ them right? Stick to smart conservative girls who will appreciate being raped and keep their mouths shut, partially shut that is,,,other than that, I agree. BTW, Norm McDonald sends his regards

  7. Inigo – You magnificent Bastard! Thank you sincerely for providing such a justice rendering link as this is. Great Doxxing on your part! Hopefully no one will be mistakenly murdered,,,

  8. To have been surrounded by Seattle/Portland leftists most of my life and just observe is what makes me so convinced of the fact that good intentions are not ever to be conceded to the progressive movement.

    UW is one of their institutions and evil and wicked aspirations eminate from within its bowels.

  9. Gee Wally, I guess they didn’t learn anything from the Duke case where the four boys were accused, tried and convicted by the Gang of 88 “perfessers” costing the college about 100 million in legal fees and settlements.

    Well Beave, I think it just demonstrates how well-funded the Communists really are! There is no fear of consequences cuz Uncle George will cover the expenses!

  10. “Higher education” is an instrumentality of the progressive movement plain and simple.

    They are presently in a protracted process of jumping the shark, but are too arrogant to recognize it. After each exploding cigar they are only going to fire up another bigger one. How they top the doosey they had go off in their face in the Kavanaugh confirmation debacle is going to be anyone’s guess.

    After shooting yourself in the foot once… oh well here is a video of what will happen next:

  11. Snorky1, ESAD, you fucking moron. Thank false accusers for the fact that actual rape victims don’t get taken as seriously as they should. Pulling the rape accusation card as a weapon is probably more common now than actual rape, which means men are more at risk now.


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