Website “Goes There” Regarding Mollie Tibbetts’ Political Opinions – IOTW Report

Website “Goes There” Regarding Mollie Tibbetts’ Political Opinions

After Mollie Tibbetts was found in a cornfield covered in leaves, having been placed there by her illegal alien murderer, I went over to her Twitter feed. What I saw was someone who was more sympathetic to open border leftist nitwits than our president.

It is difficult information to publish without it sounding like you’re saying she got what she deserved. There is always going to be someone where a post of that nature will hit them the wrong way and they will be outraged and furious.

I’m not making “that kind of post.”

This site is —-> Pluralist.

 …members of Tibbetts’ family have spoken out against tying her death to immigration ​policy. Her aunt, Billie Jo Calderwood, said in a Facebook post Tuesday that “Evil comes in EVERY color.”

Tibbetts, like CNN, has trouble distinguishing between legal immigration and illegal immigration.


In comments that seemed as much targeted at his political base back in the United States as his fellow leaders, Trump also said that immigration had been bad for the United States.
“We have laws that are so bad that I don’t even call them laws,” he said complaining that undocumented migrants who cross the border can involve the US government in years of litigation.
“You walk across the border, you put one foot on the land, and now you are tied up in a lawsuit for five years, it’s the craziest thing anyone has ever seen,” Trump said.
CNN switches from immigration to illegal immigration at will, irrespective of what Trump actually said.
So does Pluralist–>

The president, who has ​repeatedly warned of the human costs of immigration, ​made the case at the rally Tuesday in Charleston, West Virginia.

“You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in very sadly from Mexico. And you saw what happened to that incredible beautiful young woman,” Trump told the crowd.

“Should have never happened. Illegally in our country,” he added said. “We’ve had a huge impact, but the laws are so bad, the immigration laws are such a disgrace. We’re getting it changed but we have to get more Republicans.”

Is it a difficult concept to follow, the difference between legal and illegal immigration, or are we surrounded by stupid people?

30 Comments on Website “Goes There” Regarding Mollie Tibbetts’ Political Opinions

  1. The canard, “native born US citizens commit more crimes than immigrants”, an unproven argument championed by the likes of Bret Stephens, is rarely challenged.

    Aside from the fact it’s false, why is the q never countered with, “supposing this statement has merit, why is it acceptable to allow illegals into the country, committing even more crimes, compounding the problem”?

  2. The old saying used to be, “A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.” So now, the muggers mug liberals and then kill them before they can become conservatives.

  3. Those that believe they are mostly safe and do not consider themselves responsible for their own safety, do so at their own peril. Our government may or may not control the flow of illegal immigration but what I do know is that they also do not control those that are here legally. Thugs roam our streets and many judges are comfortable letting the uncivil mix with the civil.

    If a judge thinks a criminal “has suffered enough”, we are all at risk. Carry a gun.

  4. A small percentage of these scheming progs with half a brain know damn right well the difference between legal and illegal immigration. That’s what makes them so reprehensible. The rest are the proverbial “useful idiots”.

  5. The poor girl was brought up in a socialist education system; and apparently without guidance from an adult with common sense.
    And of course in a corrupt political system where the politicians are bribed to not enforce established immigration law.
    Things were stacked against her. RIP

  6. ….but we have to get more Republicans.

    That mentality is why the Republican Party is blessed with such a morass of lying, back stabbing snakes in the grass who will lye to your face to get elected and then dry shave you every chance they get once in office.

    The Republican Party needs more Constitutional conservatives, the problem, real or perceived, of a lack of Republicans in office will take care of itself once that happens.

  7. Engelburka, wasn’t it Harry Reid who said, “If it saves only one life, it would be worth it.” So what if illegal aliens commit fewer crimes that U.S. citizens (a claim I do not believe). They commit a crime by stepping across the border. And isn’t any other crime, one crime too many since we can prevent it?


    A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged.

    A liberal is a conservative who’s been arrested.

    A libertarian is a Republican who uses drugs.

  9. @mo As I understand the situation: A young adult, raised is a comfortable safe atmosphere, has little recognition of the true dangers of the world in general. That, combined with the indoctrination and propaganda that pervades every aspect of modern entertainment and school, leaves a person completely disarmed to use situational awareness to danger. Mollie had a phone and if she had only keyed 911 the records would have shown her GPS location. Even better, if she had prepared herself with pepper spray she could have taken the offensive before running away. Instead, she was a victim of her society and her own incompetence. What’s even worse, the killer will get free room and board for the next 20 years and probably a college degree. Great reward for killing this young girl.

  10. It is a fallacy of the young that they have been raised in the safe environment of the United States and frequently have never encountered true evil, so they believe evil cannot truly exist. They believe that they will always be safe, even when letting the wolves into the house that will eventually attack them.

  11. Her death is another wake-up call: We NEVER know. But a lot of people don’t “see” an afterlife; maybe Mollie was one of them. She was a young Leftist & supporter of PP (clear from her Twitter page). Then on 12-12-17, she tweeted that she “Hated White People”. Dangers of an “education” in this day & age.

  12. Most of these people know the difference, but it destroys their own argument, that’s why they interchange them.
    People who immigrate legally stand in line and pay money to become citizens and then get vote as it should be.
    Someone please explain how jumping the fence and signing on to all the benefits of being a citizen is fair to those people.

  13. As a sidebar, the Pluralist site didn’t really make any judgment calls against Tibbetts. They just republished some of her direct posts. None of the re-tweets she endorsed which were as bad or worse.

    But judging by her “friends”, she hung out with the “Big Red” crowd.

    Judging by her family, they were all leftwing idiots.

    Judging by how her life ended, she thought she lived in a bubble that was safe from the consequences of her beliefs.

    She didn’t deserve to die. But if someone has to die as a result of illegal immigration (and plenty of people already have), it’s better that it was someone who supported of illegal immigration.

    Her family can look at their pictures on the mantle and rationalize that “it could have been anyone – black, white, yellow or brown – probably white – legal or undocumented” who could have killed her. But it wasn’t and they don’t care about the truth. Their daughter’s death was a sacrifice they were willing to make.

    Rather than focusing on fixing the laws to prevent this from happening from someone else’s family member, they will double down and use their daughter’s murder to call people racists and increase the risk that it will happen again. So my sympathies are in short supply.

  14. I can simplify this.

    Mollie Tibbetts said on her twitter account that she hates white people.

    Then, an illegal immigrant murdered her.

    Then, her family says that it’s racist to point out that it was an illegal immigrant.

    Those are the verifiable facts.

    Leftists are pathologically insane.

  15. This is like a wife who loves her domestic abuser husband.

    How can you be 28 years old and arrested for felony DUI 3rd along with not having a driver’s license/never issued.

    ^^^^ I read the above in a police blotter the other day.

    Read it again. 3rd DUI, 28 years old and never had a driver’s license.

    Ya think that’s a dreamer?

  16. Actually, president Trump’s remarks can be applied to LEGAL immigration laws as well. Prior to 1965, our immigration laws were designed to keep the immigration mix in the same proportion as the U.S. population, which was mainly european and asian (i.e. people with education, skills, and similar values to us). Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration “reform” act insured that european immigrants took a back seat to immigrants from third-world nations (i.e. minorities, low IQ, and people with no education or skills). The results of this scheme are obvious. So yeah, our immigration laws are a disgrace.

  17. So many pithy comments on this. I’m especially struck by JDHasty’s, regarding more Republicans (Trump Republicans) needing to be elected.

    One angle to solving this problem will follow the same template as the economy. Most young people and too many older people are ignorant about capitalism and the miracle of a middle class. They are getting an object lesson right now under Trump’s economic and foreign trade policies. And they like what it’s doing for them personally. Only the ideological hard-liners continue to carp.

    If we can elect more Trumplicans, it won’t take long for these same ignorant people to start reaping the benefits of reduced crime committed by illegals (who will be a diminishing number among us). It would be even worse right now if LEO wasn’t tasked with their MS-13 roundup mission.

    We can talk on about changing the schools, but I think the most effective tool will be changing the congress and getting Trump’s Promises Kept.

  18. Mollie Tibbetts political leanings are irrelevant. What her family is saying is irrelevant.
    A young woman with her entire future a head of hers life was taken away from her by somebody that wasn’t suppose to be here. Next time it might be your daughter. Build the damn wall and lets all hope Elizabeth Warren keeps running her mouth.

  19. Of course he did. And the media covers for him because they want to control public sentiment from doing something about it.

    Locally, we had an illegal kill a 72 year old grandmother. Begged her for money. They found a wadded up personal check in the driveway. Strangled her to death. Killed her pet bird.

    Weeks later, they grudgingly admitted in Section B-24 of the newspaper that he raped her as well.

    Some of them are rapists.

  20. No, the Pluralist did this-

    >>>The president, who has ​repeatedly warned of the human costs of immigration, ​made the case at the rally Tuesday in Charleston, West Virginia.

    “You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in very sadly from Mexico.>>>

    See how they characterized Trump’s comment about an illegal alien as warning about the human cost of “immigration.”

    That is NOT what the president said.
    He was talking about an illegal alien, not an immigrant.

    It’s a distinction that MUST be made and should never be blurred.

  21. Mexico is not Mexico anymore. It’s one of the most violent countries on the face of the earth. Run by crooked politicians and cartels. If this country was parked in the middle east I don’t think it’s citizens would be allowed to visit here so freely. Unfortunately with the current political climate we are along way from broaching that dialogue and nobodies looking at the facts. In California over 30% of the prison population are illegals. The dollars associated with that are staggering. And most the dollars are Federal dollars.


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