Wednesday Is Milwaukee Brewers PRIDE NIGHT – IOTW Report

Wednesday Is Milwaukee Brewers PRIDE NIGHT

Bring your LBGT date. You can kiss them between the strikes, and they will kiss you between the balls.

PJ Media

In Milwaukee, the Brewers baseball team is getting into the spirit of the season by hosting Pride Night next Wednesday at their ballpark, a place whose name has taken on a new irony: American Family Field. The family fun Wednesday will include at least four drag queens, and hey, if they already strut their stuff on a routine basis in public libraries and elementary schools (and even Taco Bell), featuring them at baseball games at this late date just shows how hidebound and conservative the Grand Old Game is. More

12 Comments on Wednesday Is Milwaukee Brewers PRIDE NIGHT

  1. “It’s kiss the ass of nazi faggots night here at the ballpark. Now pretend you actually adore these pervert freaks, or the government is gonna wreck your life.”

  2. I will start this off with saying that anyone saying they are the world is an asshat. I do have a brother who is gay, and I love him. We have an agreement, I accept him, and he accepts me. We both know that we will have differences
    He can live his life, I can continue my beliefs. If you are an asshat who only agrees with you, then I have to use an expletive that I hate.

  3. I hate pride month; my stupid city of Spokane is going to paint some intersections with rainbow colors including one of the main intersections near my house on NW Blvd. and Indiana. When is enough going to be enough for all the perverts and freaks who want to mainstream homosexuality? I don’t care what they do to each other but I draw the line when the queers and their govt. toadies tell me that I have to accept their perverted lifestyle or else.

  4. I love baseball and will be going to next Friday’s game between the Mariners and the Red Sox on 6-10 at T Mobile Park for the first time in 5 years. My daughter is a huge Red Sox fan which is why we’re going. And she’s po’ed that ESPN has already given the Mariners an advantage in that game, go Mariners. I’m just hoping for a good game regardless of who wins.

  5. Queer at the Brewer’s game: That umpire guy said the batter guy had two balls on him. I love it!

    A few moments later:

    Queer at the Brewer’s game: Now that umpire guy said he has four balls on him. That’s even better. I didn’t know baseball was such a manly game.

  6. All the republicans will be watching from their closet TV’s, to scared to come out & play. Just ask Ms Lindsey, she knows all about hiding your junk in the closet.

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