Weekly Standard Cruise – IOTW Report

Weekly Standard Cruise

Mr. Saddleburr just got an email invite to go on the NeverTrump Weekly Standard Cruise with Erick Erickson and Bill Kristol to discuss the “future of  conservatism.”



Who wants to go down with the ship? Alexa has The Weekly Standard foundering.

What’s the name of this ship?

The S.S. Winnow?

23 Comments on Weekly Standard Cruise

  1. HopefullWy it will be at sea when they are due to vote. BT Bigfur,Now you have an ad redirecting away from your and we have to go back to your page. I don’t think it is my computer. Keeep up your good work my friend.

    You have to give me more.

    What kind of device (mobile or desktop)… browser… platform. -bfh

  2. No thanks, I’m going on a cruise here soon for 30 days. I hope the ship won’t be too contaminated with Hillary types. Usually there’s plenty of conservatives on board whom I have kept in contact with for years.

  3. To get the attention of #NeverTrump drivers, unsubscribe from their email broadcasts.

    Before the “movement”, I was set up to receive a lot of email broadcasts from conservative outlets – like NR, WS, and RedState.

    A lot of the mail is from their sponsors . . . And if you are still receiving such emails, and not reading them – well, the sponsors should be kept informed.

  4. @Tim – the abscissa is the popularity ranking. It’s better to be ranked #1 than #25000 so 1 is at the top of the scale. The lower on the scale a site falls, the less popular it is.

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