Weiner will plead guilty to a charge of transferring obscene material to a minor – IOTW Report

Weiner will plead guilty to a charge of transferring obscene material to a minor

UPDATE: Wizzum with a nice catch. Weiner totally looks like an Emu.


Weiner surrendered to the F.B.I. this morning.

Will Weiner go to the pokey?


The federal authorities have been investigating reports that, beginning in January 2016, Mr. Weiner, then 51, exchanged sexually explicit messages with a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina.

The plea covers conduct by Mr. Weiner from January through March of last year, the person said. A likely result of the plea is that Mr. Weiner would end up as a registered sex offender, although a final determination has yet to be made, the person added.

The charge carries a potential sentence of zero to 10 years in prison, meaning that Mr. Weiner could avoid prison. The ultimate sentence would be determined by a judge.


ht/ c. steven tucker

28 Comments on Weiner will plead guilty to a charge of transferring obscene material to a minor

  1. Unless they are squeezing this rat to squeal on Hillary, obama, Huma, and Lynch, fu;k this. And every puke in the FBI. Honorable, lifelong public servants? Not even laughable.

    “It was during the investigation that the F.B.I. seized Mr. Weiner’s electronic devices, including a laptop on which agents found a trove of emails to his estranged wife, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton.”

    A trove = thousands of emails of classified material. National security much?!

  2. Wieiner has done this country a great service. He helped bring down the Clintons, he embarrassed the New York Democrats who helped Obama destroy our country, and he made Huma a target for the Comey Comedy Show. As he figuratively sails away to St. Helena after meeting his Weinerloo, let’s all rejoice in his perverted stupidity. If he isn’t sentenced to ten years, he should be remanded to the custody of his Muslima wife and treated to the genital mutilation he so ardently desires.

  3. Who is the judge that will sentence Carlos Danger, what’s their party affiliation and who appointed him/her to the federal bench?

    The fix is in. Justice in not blind when it comes to elitist politicos connected to the Clintons.

  4. The feds are asking for a 2-year sentence for Weiner for showing his Weiner to an underage girl! However, they just gave an Ex-secret Service man 20 years for showing his Wiener to an underage girl. Does that mean that the Secret Service man’s Wiener is 20 times bigger than Weiners Weiner? Inquiring minds want to know!

  5. Nothing can cure Danger, not even ass-raping in the Big House in a two year stretch. Registering as a sex offender in the public databases will confine his perversion to DNC hellholes like NYC and DC where he will be excused, feted and employed. The Devil knows his own.

  6. If the girl Weiner showed his wiener to is underage then she probably doesn’t know what a Weiner is! Girl to Mother: “Why does that dirty old man have a snake in his pants”! Mother to Girl: “Thats not a snake dear that’s his brain”! Girl to Mother: I have a brain why isn’t it in my pants”! Mother to Girl: Because what you have in your pants is a bank”!

  7. Plea bargain in left wing NY will result in no jail time and no sexual offender stigma. He may have to do a few weeks of “community service” which for NY will mean working the counter at Planned Parenthood. Some dad of one of his victims needs to take a shotgun to his crotch.

  8. wiener is a sick pervert (he is a former congressrat but I repeat myself) who ought to be in jail along w huma and hillary. If they weren’t democrats they all would be in Leavenworth a long time ago. One set of judicial and criminal principles for democrat higher-ups, another set for everyone else. Wiener as congressrat was a poster child for the level of stupidity among a huge % of the voting public.

  9. He’s going to plead guilty in exchange for a light sentence and immunity for his testimony on Clinton crime syndicate, email, Benghazi, and so much more.

    If he lives long enough; I think he’s going to come down with something fatal.

  10. Huma filed for divorce this afternoon and asked that her record be sealed.
    Seriously? She has no problem spreading our nations secrets to the four corners of the earth, but expects her privacy be protected?
    I hope hell has plenty of vacancies.

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