Weinstein’s Lawyer Says Rape Accuser Had 10-Year Consensual Affair With His Client – IOTW Report

Weinstein’s Lawyer Says Rape Accuser Had 10-Year Consensual Affair With His Client

Daily Caller: Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer said Tuesday that a woman who has accused his client of rape “had a 10-year consensual sexual relationship” with his client.

“This is an extraordinary case in my judgement where the only rape victim that Mr. Weinstein is accused of raping is someone with whom he has had a 10-year consensual sexual relationship — both before and after the alleged incident,” the disgraced movie mogul’s defense attorney Ben Brafman told reporters, according to NBC News.

“One of my concerns is…some of the publicity that has occurred over the weekend and the ability for people to keep an open mind,” he added following a closed-door meeting with the Manhattan assistant district attorney about concerns the publicity could hurt the legal process.  more here

9 Comments on Weinstein’s Lawyer Says Rape Accuser Had 10-Year Consensual Affair With His Client

  1. I am certain that there are many legitimate victims of this freak as well as all the accused Hollywood degenerates, but I am also certain that there are pobably a lot more volunteers who are now playing victims. That does nothing to diminish the legitimacy of those who were truly victimized, but to fail to acknowledge that there has been a lot of pussy being shopped around Hollywood would be naive and that is putting it mildly.

  2. The man will have his chance in court to confront his accusers. Every dog will have his day.

    All those who work in the entertainment industry should leave it for their own sanity & general well-being. Sex is what those sickos use to advance their careers, both male and female.

  3. The denizens of the cesspool finally smelling that smell?
    The smell of decadence? The smell of moral rot? The smell of countless lives sacrificed to Mammon?

    Still waiting for the faggot aspect to hit the fan.
    Then the pederast.

    Weinstein’s probably one of the lesser offensive.

    izlamo delenda est …


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