Weird-Eared Moron “Comic” Seems To Impress the Left With His “Smaughts” – IOTW Report

Weird-Eared Moron “Comic” Seems To Impress the Left With His “Smaughts”

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a joke about socialism and candy.

Colbert volunteered an absolutely asinine response. The sad part is that The Hill says he “schooled Trump jr.” and the morons on Twitter are swooning over the weird-eared moron.

Here’s what he said-

The Hill-

Colbert responded on “The Late Show” on Wednesday, explaining that trick-or-treating itself is socialist in nature.

“On Halloween, kids literally go door to door to get free candy from the neighbors because the kids don’t have it and the neighbors do,” Colbert said. “That’s socialism.”


No, stupids. That is CHARITY, not socialism.

It would be socialism if the government forced you to open your door when their was a knock and compelled you to give away candy- schmuck.

Socialism comes at the point of a gun.

Halloween is voluntary.


15 Comments on Weird-Eared Moron “Comic” Seems To Impress the Left With His “Smaughts”

  1. Here’s to giving out those participation trophies to idiots like colbert who don’t realize that socialism would force people to go to his concerts or view his tv fake news shows if he were designated “the people’s komic” instead of the village idiot.

  2. “Trained seals, Trump has FIRED COMEY!!”


    ” No, trained seals, Comey is good now!”


    You schooled them good, Colburt.

  3. Socialism would be forcing you to “volunteer” to give out candy at the point of a gun.

    Meanwhile, the average leftist doesn’t realize that the “socialism” they drone on about is actually “free market capitalist welfare state”. Most European countries have a higher economic freedom score and lower corporate tax rate than the US.

  4. Plus socialism wouldn’t force you to go door to door, the neighbors would be forced to buy the candy give it to the government and then the government would bring all the lazies sitting on their couch the candy.

  5. Colbert was occasionally funny, for short bursts. early on, in his “fake conservative pundit” character.

    I expect that was due to his YUGE staff of writers.

    Now he’s the Michael Moore of late night.

  6. If I don’t want to participate in the candy give-away I just turn off the porch light.
    Furthermore, I learned real quick that the more doors I knocked on the more candy I got. For a kid its real easy to understand, the pleasure from tasting lots of sweets was directly proportional to the amount of work I was willing to put forth. What a great early lesson in “you reap the rewards of your own hard labor”.
    The only thing we can trust Liberals to do is to fu#* up everything.

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