Weirdo Walz Has Words – IOTW Report

Weirdo Walz Has Words


Minnesota Governor Tim Walz reportedly pioneered the “weird” taunt against JD Vance.  That’s increasingly looking like an acute manifestation of projection.  As we learn more about the wave of lies and distortions promulgated by Walz, another word that comes to mind is ‘pathological.’  The Democrats may have just put one serial embellisher and fabricator out to pasture, in Joe Biden, but it seems they’ve added another one to their presidential ticket.  Walz has exaggerated, distorted, and outright lied about his military service, including his final rank at retirement. More

17 Comments on Weirdo Walz Has Words

  1. He dances like Richard Simmons, lies like Joey Biden, and is probably a closet homo li I’m e li I’m e Barry Soetero.

    In others words, he’s the perfect demorat VP choice for a dick sucking hippy whore dog like kumswalla.

  2. Walz is the new role model for the Libtard American Male. Dana Bash excitedly described them as having zero testosterone and comfortable in their own skin. Submissive. Is this really the American Neutered Male American women want? Probably not even Bash. But I hope to God it’s what she’s married too.

  3. “…another common fertility procedure called intrauterine insemination…”

    Because he didn’t want to endure that icky coitus thing with his beard?

    Every day, I come nearer to certainty that he’s a child-molesting homo who’s never been caught at it.Or at east made to account for it. Hillary handled Bill’s “Bimbo Eruptions”. Who handles Walz’s “Pedo Eruptions”?

  4. Thirdtwin – That’s pretty much where I’m at on this clown! Turn off the sound and watch this guy prance around with all his gestures. Who in the hell does that? Afterwards, he loads up the candy into his white van…

  5. Walz did not have the Army’s core values’:

    Loyalty – to himself
    Duty – he ran from it
    Respect – he deserves none
    Selfless service – more like Selfish service
    Honor – Stolen Honor
    Integrity – he had none
    Personal Courage – totally lacking

  6. ^^^^^^
    A daughter for sure. Full grown. Goth looking. Pale white skin all tatted up with dark tats. They named her “Hope”. I’m assuming if they had a male child his name is Change. And he’s probably already changed into a woman. By the way Hope showed up to the even in black pants and a white mens Tee Shirt. All class.


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