Welcome to WW III – IOTW Report

Welcome to WW III

Candace Owens lays out the stated restrictions the Australian people are coping with (why cope?) under the thumb and boot heel of their maniacal totalitarian “leaders.”

Keep in mind, these are the death totals from Covid down under, and you tell me if the reaction is proportional. (And no, what they are implementing is not keeping the numbers down. Studies have shown that social distancing, masks and lockdowns have little impact on these numbers.) It seems they are getting off on the power to control lives.

New South Wales556
Australian Capital Territory11
Western Australia9

See here

ht/ Kpark

7 Comments on Welcome to WW III

  1. I would normally say that assassination of offending tyrants is not a good idea, as it would only cause extreme repression by the state, but there’s not much room left between the floorboard and the repression pedal, so maybe it’s time to water the Tree of Liberty.

  2. “… those who are plainly evil, who are clearly traitors, or who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.”
    (The Assassin of Euphron, Thebes, 366 BC)

    And so they are.

    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …


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