Well, at least he didn’t burn down a forest – IOTW Report

Well, at least he didn’t burn down a forest

I’d like to see the statistics on the marriage success rate after these “viral” proposals.

I wonder if there are any “divorce reveals” going viral?

13 Comments on Well, at least he didn’t burn down a forest

  1. That’s a bit smoother than what mine was. My wife (now 37 years) said I was moving out if we didn’t get married. I’m glad I didn’t get stupid and rebel against an ultimatum.

  2. Have you seen the ones where the white cops have they’re guns drawn on the black perp, they’re screaming, he’s screaming, she’s crying. And then he pops a ring out. Cops walk away laughing, everyone lives happily ever after. In this day and age I just can’t see that as a smooth move on the cops part.

  3. Brad MAY 10, 2021 AT 1:39 PM
    Have you seen the ones where the white cops have they’re guns drawn on the black perp, they’re screaming, he’s screaming, she’s crying. And then he pops a ring out. Cops walk away laughing, everyone lives happily ever after. In this day and age I just can’t see that as a smooth move on the cops part.

    Look again and you’ll see they are holding tasers and it looks like the crowd was in on the game.

    But, I agree it was not so smart.

  4. Well, it’s a good thing I wasn’t pining for a romantic proposal. Honestly, some public stunt would have pissed me off. At the time I thought something a little more romantic would have been nice, but I guess it worked and I’m sure I would have started hating the romantic type of guy instead of staying married to the guy for 35 years who said, “what do you think about getting married, with my shrug of the shoulders it turned to, do you want to get married or not?” lol

  5. …I proposed to my wife on a New Year’s Eve at Ruby Tuesdays.

    I was the third guy at that restaurant to propose that night, but I had screwed up my courage so when the wife commented on how silly those guys were, it was like a song cue for the masochist in me so I dropped out to waitress-tripping aisle position and went ahead and made it a trifecta.

    …and she accepted. I still have no idea why, but a silver anniversary later, I guess SOMETHING about it worked, perhaps it’s just the masochist in HER…

  6. The first time that I proposed to my wife she turned me down and after listening to her very wise mother realized that she wouldn’t find a better man than me. She accepted my next proposal. Thanks Jean, you were a great mother in law. And her ex boyfriend showed up at our wedding reception at her parents house after our wedding not knowing that she had just got married that day, Boy was he he ever shocked and asked my mother in law for some aspirin because he got a real fast headache. We all laughed at this turkey.


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