Well-being of Fish Valued Over CA’s Economy and Quality of Life – IOTW Report

Well-being of Fish Valued Over CA’s Economy and Quality of Life

CPR: Before raising our glasses to toast this winter’s abundant El Niño rainfall, here’s a sobering thought:

rain puddles

Because of deliberate efforts to protect fish by limiting water storage, about half the rain falling on California will wash into the ocean, instead of being stored for the dry, hot summer to come. As for the water now filling the state’s reservoirs, billions of gallons will be flushed down rivers and out to sea in efforts to protect fish, rather than being used to irrigate-  more here

10 Comments on Well-being of Fish Valued Over CA’s Economy and Quality of Life

  1. OK, this is not hard.
    Water from the ocean evaporates and travels inland to fall as rain on the land. Then it passes as streams and rivers through the land back to the ocean
    Either you resign yourself to Cave Man status and live off the water as it goes by, or create structures that slow the water’s travel back to the ocean and use it to create a civilization.
    Dicking around in the middle of that philosophy will get you extinct status.
    The Government does not OWN anything.
    They need to be firmly reminded of this.
    Hangings are my first thought, but I paint with a broad brush.
    Tar and feathering would be a nicer alternative.

  2. Quality of life in that dismal state (California) must be rock bottom, since the humans dwelling there, discounting Libbies, Commies, and Moviestars (redundant I know) are expendable.. used to live in San Diego, left and want to never go back…

  3. If you have more surface area of water you have more evaporation. The more evaporation translates into more rain. Leaving everything dry in the valley doesn’t give enough evaporation for a storm at the coast to make it further inland to the mountains. Less snow on the mountain tops means less water in the summer. It could be debated that actually wasting hefty amounts of water in the valley would actually generate more water in the future. But hell, the science was already settled before any debate.

  4. Lazlo, Washington DC is a long way from here.
    We, along with the other western states have been battling the feds from the beginning over these kinds of issues.
    The constitution specifically denies the federal government ownership of these lands, but the courts have repeatedly ruled against us.

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