Well, he won’t be resisting arrest… – IOTW Report

Well, he won’t be resisting arrest…

Non-compliance has changed the playing field, and not for the better.

This guy was surrendering and he gets kicked in the head. As they say, it’s not right, but I understand.

31 Comments on Well, he won’t be resisting arrest…

  1. What was in the kickee’s waistband? I couldn’t see it clearly, but he couldn’t lay down on his stomach because of it.

    And, maybe the other cop running into view saw what it was and alerted the kicker?

  2. Perp took one for the team. Get ready for the Father’s Day 5 finger discount at the local Target and Walamrt. ‘Teens’ will get to paticipate in a little Burn Loot & Mayhem thanks to some cop doing his Lou Groza impression on on the dudes dome.

  3. That was not a kick-kick, that was a practice kick. A real kick would send LaDarius through the uprights. And where was the police dog to get in a few practice bites?

  4. “Kicked him in the head” (period) or “kicked suspect’s hands away from his body and maybe clipped his head due to hands being by head?” The second swipe kick looks like a sweep to get hand or weapon away from person on the ground.

  5. That very act is why I have little respect or confidence in cops. The bad ones have stayed while the good ones got smart and moved on. The ones who stayed must not realize that there’s cameras every where, or they don’t care, they’re going to get their licks. Remember the woman a few weeks back who suffered from dementia who got treated horribly? The family is suing and I hope they win millions.

  6. ” when the criminal team keeps changing rules”

    The criminal team has no rules, that’s why they’re called criminals.

    ” the legal team gets to play by the same rules, too.”

    Some of the so-called legal team are already playing by the same rules. This cop, the one that shot Ashiley Babbit, eighty-five million from owners of safe deposit boxes, the FBI. Even the few legitimate legal teams that exist have illegitimate team members.

    Remember the cops and DA’s that will try to jail you for legitimately defending you life or property from criminal scumbags, blm/antifa included, are members of the legal team.

  7. Guy was riding his motorpickle like an idiot. Guilty of evading arrest. That’s it. He’s already out on bail. Deputy and the department are about to get sued so hard it’s gonna’ rain money.

  8. I don’t know if it’s true. I simply read the article and am repeating what it stated. Guy was recklessly and dangerously riding his bike. As a motorcycle rider, I understand driving the wrong way through traffic can annoy police officers. Just….. dude was off his bike and complying.Tough to have ANY sympathy for the cop.

    Oh, and the kid is 33.

  9. What’s the context of this incident?
    What was he doing that warranted those two kicks in the head?
    Something he did that got the officer angry at him.
    I would not even decide before a full context is made available.

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