Well, How Many Are There? – IOTW Report

Well, How Many Are There?

trump  carson

TheWeeklyStandard: Friday morning, Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump. During the press conference, a reporter asked, when Carson “says there are two Donald Trumps, do you agree with that characterization and could you amplify on it?”

Trump affirmed, saying there are two Trumps. “I probably do agree. There are probably two Donald Trumps. The public version and people see that and I don’t know what they see exactly but it seems to have worked over my lifetime but it’s probably different I think than the personal Donald Trump. Ben said it very well today.”

Minutes later,

48 Comments on Well, How Many Are There?

  1. I don’t know Trump, but it is clear that he has two sides. One is the showman that you see in front of the camera. The other is a very tough businessman, I saw that in an interview. The guy was abhorrent to me to begin with, but then, as I studied him, he really would be great at the job. Certainly better than Rubio, who lies constantly, and I really do not trust Cruz, he is just another progressive with a different objective in using the government to control us.

  2. Oh come on.

    He acts differently when in the board room vs at home in the living room.

    He acts differently when on the stage destroying Rubio or Bush or Carson or Cruz than when at home reading a book.

    There’s the hard “business is war” Trump that is a shrewd killer on the battlefield and there is the thoughtful and contemplative non-warrior Trump.

    There’s nothing special here. Everyone has a work mode. Or should.

    It’s like the press was trying to get Trump to say he has multiple personality disorder or bipolar or schizo. Sheesh.

    Until Carson met with Trump off the stage he never encountered the non-warrior Trump.

    How do you think Trump has survived and succeeded all these years? Methinks Carson may not have a warrior mode. Thats why I think Hillary would have ate him alive.

  3. If you don’t take your audience’s characteristics into account when you’re trying to communicate with them, you’re not much of a communicator. Trump seems to have a firm idea of who he’s talking to at any moment, but sometimes he gets it wrong. And so do we all from time to time.

  4. Well. Tonight Trump picks up the endorsement of Phyllis Schafly, who’s kinda a Santorum type. Trump’s got the gentle Ben Carson and the tiger Chris Christie.

    He’s got Newt Gingrich and Jeff Sessions. I think Mike Huckabee is climbing on the wagon. Carl Icahn? Seems like there must be an awful lot of (wonderful) Donalds to have gathered this basket of interesting folk.

    (One wonders what has happened to the Weekly Standard and the National Review, not to mention Karl Rove. ….if they will survive it all…?) ….Lady in Red

  5. So disappointing! How in the hell could such a decent man like Carson endorse a crook, liar, wife cheating and progressive liberal like Trump. Trump is in the same league as Hillary for the scum bag award. I mean did Carson sell his soul for a promise of being in his cabinet? As Ben Shapiro said in a interview this country is done! And it looks like the final nail will not be from the liberals but the cool aid drinking conservatives who fell for this con man.

  6. Eisenhower played golf, grinned, smoked cigarettes, and talked with a fucked up syntax to confound his enemies – but – a BIG BUT – he was a colossus of organization and execution.

    And an absolute oak.

  7. @ Just Al. It’s too bad Joe Biden didn’t run, too. lol

    @Bob_Annon: Did you watch the video? It’s not funny to you that he can answer the same question to one reporter and then contradict himself to another reporter, in the same room in under 2 minutes? That’s why the title says- Well, How Many Are There?
    It’s a fair question. LOL

  8. True Liberty — The only thing that would make you more obvious would be to slap a sign on your a$$ that reads: “Stupid Progressive.” Sorry to say, but you could not find a more complete waste of your time than writing your comments at IOTWR.

  9. “Trump is in the same league as Hillary for the scum bag award.”

    How many people has Mr. Trump killed, or had killed?

    Has Mr. Trump committed Treason?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  10. Now let’s come to a middle on this. Trump can be a scum bag and not have killed anybody. But I don’t think he’s going to snatch Hillary’s scum bag crown, though. So no need to go overboard.

  11. Abigail Adams, what would be more obvious? That I see Trump for the man he is? But you are correct Trump is a stupid progressive. A stupid slick progressive.

    Since I have several likes I guess there are some others who see the charlatan Trump is so I am not seeing any waste of time here. Plus gotta let my frustrations out somewhere. Why not the place I have been following for many years.

  12. Young Lazlo was a musician in a big town and his suave pop combo earned a modicum of (alas) temporary success.
    Such were the dizzying heights of stardom that various minor music rags would review this or that show or dish on an album.
    Our emotional stock would rise or fall with these natterings.
    Here is the important part:
    People would like us because some writer hated us or vice versa. If that bastard hated us then we must be good.
    If the GOPe is so afraid of Donald Trump they are willing to get in bed with Cruz (whom they hate with a hate like fire) then Trump is EXACTLY who I want in there.
    If the US can withstand eight years Barry Asshole Obama, then we should weather the Trump years just fine.
    Either way they should do some Psy-Ops:
    Trump puts out that he’s willing to be VP if Cruz wins, and Cruz should do the same.
    This will crush Hilary’s spirit before the convention even starts, then she gets indicted.

  13. Mary Jane,
    I wasn’t going overboard.
    If they’re in the “same league” then their accomplishments should be similar.
    From what I understand, Mr. Trump made his fortune building things that people wanted built – whereas HRC made her fortune by selling gov’t influence (what used to be called “corruption”).
    HRC killed, or had killed, people who posed some danger to her, or to her political viability – Mr. Trump has not.

    I’m not seeing the “same league” at all.

  14. Tim, you mean the people who have died on his construction sites from rushing jobs to be completed and putting the safety of his workers in a distant second place when floors have collapsed on his construction site. Maybe the illegals he treated like dirt for years. Or how about Trumps ties to the Mafia from people who have killed countless people.

    As for Treason if we let a man who has no personal morals run a country he may rival Obama for acts of treason.

  15. Trump is the only Repub candidate brave enough to speak in St. Louis.

    He was warned that the Rent-A-Mob would be in full force – you know, the guys who burned Ferguson. He was even offered the opportunity to cancel. Donald Jackhammer Iron Balls Trump spoke at the Peabody Opera House today. Rent-A-Mob was there also but they split up, sitting in various parts of the Opera House (no store fronts there to break into so they didn’t need to be in groups ).

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oeUhiIym-U .

    At about the 45:07 mark my heroine of the ’70s and THE one very consistent Belle of Feminine Conservatism Phyllis Schafly again endorsed Trump. Phyllis was instrumental in defeating the ERA, a feel good attempt to add redundancy to the Constitution of the U.S.A.

    I’m hoping Dr. Carson will play a great part in bringing America out of the educational abyss.

  16. Jimmah Carter had him some morals…and he was a G O O D christian. How’d that work out for us ?

    I lived through that Jimmah Reign. I was in college. I recall the gas lines around the block and the water rationing in Washington State. THE RAINY PART OF WASHINGTON STATE!

    Yeah, he is a memorable GOOD moral man. Piece of $&*%

  17. True Liberty: When and where did “floors collapse” on his construction sites.. I worked on two of his buildings and the sites were strictly OSHA compliant. I’m curious. Could you provide some details.

  18. MJA yes I watched it. He didn’t answer the same question. They kept asking him over and over trying to either understand what he meant or fishing for mental illness.

    He said “well, there aren’t two Donald Trumps” and he was clarifying that he’s not split personality or something. I could tell the press was fishing and so did he.

  19. MJA — Another sorry attempt to make a “thing” out of something that just doesn’t exist except through some tortured attempt at logic.

    Here’s the meta: The media and #NeverTrump are trying to find Trump in-his-own-words telling everyone he shouldn’t be trusTED because he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. So easy to see, even a school child could figure it out.

    As D&S would say: “Don’t get it twisted”

  20. True Liberty: Thanks. But it’s a bit of a stretch of the imagination to blame Trump for that accident. Construction is a dangerous business and accidents happen in spite of all safety measures
    That accident happened back in 2008. I remember it being reported. I don’t know the cause of the collapse but I know it was a union job and OSHA compliant with safety nets and the whole nine yards. Unfortunately the victim missed the safety net but another worker was saved by it.
    As I said, blaming Trump is a stretch.

  21. Imagine…

    You have been on vacation for two weeks. You come home and your basement is infested with raccoons: Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement.
    You want them gone immediately so you hire a guy: A pro. You don’t care if the guy smells, you need those raccoons gone pronto and he’s the guy to do it! You don’t care if the guy swears; you don’t care if he’s an alcoholic; you don’t care how many times he’s been married; you don’t care if he voted for Obama; you don’t care if he has plumber’s crack. You simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the guy. He’s the best. Period.

    That’s why Trump.

    Yes he’s an ass and an egomaniac. But you don’t care. The country is a mess because politicians suck. The Republican Party is two-faced & gutless. And illegal aliens are everywhere. You want it all fixed!

    You don’t care that Trump is crude. You don’t care that he insults people or that he had been friendly with Hillary, that he has changed positions, has been married 3 times, fights with Megyn Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, or doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist. This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegal aliens, becoming a nation of victims. Now every Tom, Ricardo and Hamid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in.


    And this is where it ends up: Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want. You’re sick of politicians, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and sick of illegal aliens. You just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but doesn’t have lobbyist money holding him back or political correctness restraining him. All you know about Trump is that he has been very successful, is a good negotiator, has built a lot of things, and he’s also not a politician. He’s not a cowardly politician. He says he’ll fix it.

    You don’t care if the guy has bad hair.

    You just want those raccoons gone.

    Out of your house.


  22. I’m just tired of being ashamed of my president, Trump is and will continue to be an embarrassment. He doesn’t appear to know what he’s doing in politics.

  23. There are certainly two anonomii. Or anonymousses ? One’s for Trump, bad hair and all, the other ain’t. Why don’t youse guys give each other a name? Something simple like Big Dick, Little Dick, Acorn, Ball peen, Haggis, Hagar, etc.

  24. As the lovely ladies Diamond and Silk put it, “Donald Trump will be our next president. Get over it!’

    And the reason this is not “funny” to me, MJA is that, now, I worry too much about an assassination, or an “accident.” The forces against Trump are not without much, much power. ….Lady in Red

  25. Yes moetom. Pisses me off. Just don’t want the mailman’s son to win.. plus he was talking tonight about his dad and said his dad knew everything that was going on in the neighborhood. Gee was daddy looking thru people’s mail? Just throwing it out there. Plus he voted for nafta!

  26. Look, Trump is just the weapon to murder the establishment. The crooked do-nothing lie-to-get-elected Republican establishment. The blackmailed and sold out Republicans too.

    A murder weapon doesn’t have to be pretty, it doesn’t have to be shiny, it doesn’t even have to be something fancy at all.

    It needs to be blunt, effective and deadly.

    Trump is that weapon.

    Ted Cruz is the only other option at this point and he MIGHT be clean enough to do what he says he will do.


    That’s the problem. Since he has the misfortune of having been elected to congress, you just don’t know whether or not 0bama or Hillary have NSA tape of him getting BJ’s in some park restroom or download history of CP planted on his computer. You don’t know whether he was made an offer he can’t refuse.

    I don’t THINK so but how in the world would I know?

    The pols talk good on the campaign trail, the only reason I have to believe Cruz is because he HAS stood up to the establishment, and he DID make that speech on the floor of the senate, calling out all the establishment for being in the bag with 0bama because they don’t have balls.

    That’s my 2cents.

  27. True Liberty,

    “… Trump put safety standards in second place …”

    How? From his Corporate Office? Or did he go to the job site and tell the Union Safety Officer to cut some corners? Did he bribe the OSHA guys? Should be a money trail there.

    I was a Plumber and later a Pipefitter Supervisor (Plumbing and HVAC) and I guaran-fucking-tee you that I NEVER put anyone of my guys at risk because some maggot from upstairs got in a hurry. And I don’t believe anyone else would do so, either.

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