Well, if you WERE going to watch just one video on Covid-19, you can’t anymore – IOTW Report

Well, if you WERE going to watch just one video on Covid-19, you can’t anymore

The cocksuckers (I am cursing a lot lately) at Youtube took down the video where two doctors talk about their statistical findings and advocate for the reopening of the economy.

They said the video violated community standards. What community is that? The DNC?

Our original post HERE

24 Comments on Well, if you WERE going to watch just one video on Covid-19, you can’t anymore

  1. Totally in keeping with YT’s customary left-collectivist arrogance. I’m of course angry but unsurprised.

    For the record, I now get the message

    This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Tervice

    rather than the “community standards” whine.

  2. We, our growing online circle of like-minded people (minus a couple of libs or two), are OUTRAGED that they took down the docs. I think the good news is that it already went viral and they were on Fox shows last night. Having been a director at the largest lab co. in the world, they speak the TRUTH. The consequences of low immunity will dwarf the “Wuhan Red Death.” (Chris Plante WMAL DC)

  3. I bet the reason it was taken down was because Dr. Erickson mentioned the second amendment and potential unrest at the end of the second video while he was having an individual conversation after the press conference was over.

  4. How many days until Nov 3? That’s when the final destruction of the democrat party begins.

    We’ve been well behaved supplicants. For a while. Grudges and retribution for shutdown and phony impeachment bullshit will result in massive electoral defeat. And they know it.

    Woe be to democrats. I look forward to nestling into your carcasses and gnawing on your skinny bones.

    And Fur. You apologized for lady cursing?

    Well….I can f….
    I’ll save it for now but I have at least 4 paragraphs of obscenity in me.

  5. Whew, I was about to say I’ve had a tab for that video for a couple days waiting until I had time to watch the video, and Dang, now I’ve lost the opportunity to watch it. Some days my loyalty to the Procrastination Society is tested.
    Thanks, TS for the second chance.

  6. Ever since the quarantine started, YouTube has benefitted from having a record number of people at home, bored out of their minds and watching YouTube. It is therefore in YouTube’s best interest for you to remain at home, bored out of your mind and watching YouTube. They are in the business of making money — insane amounts of money — and getting people back to work will put a kink in their monetary firehose.

    So, yeah. I guess you could say the video did violate their standards.

  7. If by the grace of God we (conservatives) win the House, keep the Senate and re-elect DJT, the first agenda item MUST be to revoke Facebook’s special tax status . They ARE NOT just a “platform” any longer. They exercise editorial discretion, which makes them same as any traditional news source.

  8. Jethro, I’m getting to the point that I think that’s going to have to happen sooner rather than later or there are going to be very few left to fight.

    My daughter was telling me today about talking to an old neighbor we had when the kids were growing up. He was always sane, distrusted government. Now he’s terrified of the rona and we all need to do what the government tells us to do. She said she asked him if he had fell and hit his head. He told her no he watches the news and people were falling dead everywhere. That he had not left his house and wouldn’t be leaving his house until it was gone or they had a vaccine. She said she told him that was his problem, to turn the damn tv off and that the man she knew as a girl would have known better than that shit.

  9. Anon, I’ve been using duckduckgo for awhile, but I was very disappointed in it tonight. I was searching for an article I read awhile back about Gate’s chip vaccine and cattle branding. The entire first search page were sites like snopes, buzzfeed, politifact, reuters calling it a false claim.


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