Well, Isn’t This Awkward? – IOTW Report

Well, Isn’t This Awkward?

0 Well, Isnt This Awkward

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16 Comments on Well, Isn’t This Awkward?

  1. These are great, Claudia.
    My favorite is the dog with his head stuck in a box.
    Then the white cat in the flour canister.
    He’s saying: “What are YOU lookin’ at? I did this on PURPOSE.”

  2. Pic 4: “And as you can see my experiment proves that cats are a liquid. They can pour themselves into any container..that concludes the demonstration.”
    Pic 6: “and hmmmmmpff and well I saw this thing and stuck my head in it. It seemed like a good idea at the time”
    Pic 8: “Like my costume…I’m a Doberman…grrrr. Did I scare ya?”
    Pic 11: “…and as Lucifer primps up to get ready for his appearance at the democrat national convention…”
    Pic 12: “Hey. Glad you’re here. Can you hand me the remote and my bag of kitty snacks? Thanks”
    Pic 13: “ha ha very funny human just snap the pic already or you’re going to be wearing your entrails for a hat”
    Pic 14: “Duck,duck,duck,duck,duck, chicken!…wait what?”
    Pic 15: ” Great just great and I’m sure this is going to turn up on Claudia’s Sunday IOTW animal pix too”
    Pic 16: “And it is proclaimed throughout the land that I shall be known as Sir Bowser. You will now acknowledge my magnificence”.
    Pic 17: “Duck, cat, Duck…wait what?”

  3. Like the way Ms. Birdie has repurposed the crust of rye bread as a necklace…..reuse, recycle……

    I have a bunch of photos of my Sasha as a kitten dancing around the living room of my old apartment in Brooklyn with his head stuck in a cube-shaped Kleenex box! Silly, curious kitty!

  4. @greetingsfromyonkers, I’m going to do a “Readers Contribution” post in the next few weeks – please send me one of your pics and I will use it!

    And anyone else that wants to send in their critter pics, too.

    Send your pics to: crittersiotwr@earthlink.net

    Please use the word ‘Critters’ in the subject line and include the following in the body of the email:

    1. Your screen name
    2. Indicate if you or family/friend took the picture (if the picture is from the web or an email someone sent you, it may be featured in a different post)
    3. Any description you wish

  5. I rescued a hummingbird this week who was on his back turtle style and couldn’t turn himself over. I just rolled her back onto her feet and she was in the air in a second and gone.

    I didn’t know that could happen to them too.

  6. The other day I had pulled some gorilla tape off of something I was fixing and set it down on my desk while I finished the repair. My cat jumped up on my desk and got the gorilla tape stuck to her ass. She leaped a couple feet into the air and then ran around like a psycho. It was hilarious.

  7. Don’t under rate the cat.

    The cat in the flour container is having a mystical experience, we’re not evolved enough to notice right off.

    “i am flour, i am flour, i am flour…”

    He was black when he started.

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