This one is from Jerry Manderin. Click to see.
NSFW – (Vulgar)
This one is from Jerry Manderin. Click to see.
NSFW – (Vulgar)
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knowing that bunch of execrable miscreants, they’d probably get off on it
I LOATHE! Val-Jar. Commie traitor
and closet Muz.Git me a rope…
Eventually some one else will need to grasp said door knob.
I feel sorry for that poor door!
That would require industrial strength lube on the part of the doorknob… consider the collective clench of these assholes! 😖
Den of thieves.
A red Commie basket full of excrement and evil.
Buh bye, buh buy now, buh bye!
target rich photo
jerry, jerry, jerry you naughty boy.
On 3 everyone say “repeal!”
I think the whole 2016 election needs a congressional investigation (bringing in FBI and DOJ assets as appropriate assuming they can find agents and lawyers that haven’t been tainted) but of all the folks in the picture Jarrett is the one that ought to be looked into the most. I have a feeling she knows where the bodies are buried (in a few cases I suspect literally), she’s pulled the strings on Obama for years (I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a Dom/sub relationship going on there) and knows all the secrets. If you could get her to break the progressive movement as well as the Democrat Party as it’s currently constituted would cease to exist. She’s the key.
See, scr_north, I’m saying the same thing, only shorter.
bath house Barry would love it if it did
Man, the things you see when you don’t have a hand grenade.
Looks like a parody of Rembrandt’s ” Night Watch”. I hope doorknob-licker Dan Savage is in that picture.
“The civic guards who are depicted had, by the time Rembrandt painted them, become quite pacific; it was no longer necessary for them to defend the ramparts of Amsterdam or to go out on watches by night or by day. Their meetings had been diverted chiefly to social or sporting purposes”
Hast la vista, Derp State.
Look at that lineup of weak, dull-average faces.
The one scruffy kid who hasn’t mastered shaving or knotting a man’s tie despite the WH job.
A group portrait of the Failed Left.
I saved that picture just so I can look at it occasionally and feel all warm and fuzzy again. I don’t know which scowl is my favorite – ValJar or Jen Pissaki.
@Jerry M. NSFW. Thank you for the warning, in the future if you pixelate Val-Jars face there will be no need for the warning.
Just remember, those outgoing assholes embody the growing intellectual failure of the American demographic.
And look at them looking all mad – like we GAS if they’re disgruntled. The unhappier the better. The only way they would all look better is if they swinging from the end of a rope or standing in front of a firing squad.
My friend thinks the White House needs a giant termite tent to get rid of the vermin within.
I think he was referring to after they were out but then again…
Their faces have the same expression seen on little pigs the next morning after being castrated the previous afternoon.
Hopefully all of them are going back to shitcago
so they can run for their lives in the streets.