Well, the trains run on time… right? – IOTW Report

Well, the trains run on time… right?

Military has to push the Jeep carrying Castro’s ashes after they break down.


ht/ unruly refugee

28 Comments on Well, the trains run on time… right?

  1. It sort of reminds me of the Ayatollah Khomenei’s funeral procession in Iran when the pallbearers dropped his casket onto the ground in front of a large crowd of forced mourners. OOPS! I wonder if these guys pushing Castro’s ashes in an old jeep (hey Castro how come that jeep wasn’t an old 1950’s American car) will be dealt with the same way the Ayatollah’s pallbearers were? Talk about symbolic justice and god having a good laugh at Castro’s expense. Sweet revenge.

  2. Maybe we could have Obama’s ashes pulled by a Solyndra solar generated car.
    Just picture Pelosi, Reid, Durbin, Schumer, Ellison, Clinton and Clyburn pushing the failed vehicle, just as they pushed Obama’s failed legislative and international initiatives.

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