Well, this took an unexpected turn – IOTW Report

Well, this took an unexpected turn

I think the cop needs to retire, and I think the guys that helped the cop out really hated the guy being arrested. He probably sold them fake crack.

I may be too cynical, but I don’t think they were simply helping a cop out.

I could be wrong, though.

ht/ hot salsa

16 Comments on Well, this took an unexpected turn

  1. Well I was enjoying it all until the cop got off the ground to become the hero, then the other cop pushed the black guy helping. WTF. Ruined it right there for me. IMHO, the cops should have just let well enough alone, and let the guy’s soul brothers beat his ass further. That’s how I roll.

  2. The big guy in the white teeshirt wanted to protect everybody…. when the other cops showed, they had no idea who was perp or what. The original cop called them off the big guy. God bless the “big” guy and the cop.

  3. oh, I agree. They definitely weren’t helping the police office. They seemed to really not like this guy. Seriously, they would have let the police get their ass kicked. Something is up. I’m not sure what it is. We’ll see.

    I have my own experience living in Bronx, NY for over 22 years. I’ve been held up by 8 guys and I can read people. I know something doesn’t look rights.

    God Bless us all!

  4. Clear demonstration that without using the correct technique it’s not easy to take down a suspect that isn’t cooperative. Which will lead to a group take down and ass kicking. Either by police or neighborhood residents with a score to settle. The knee on the neck or head was a curious action by the large body guy.


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