Well, We Never Saw This Coming — Obama’s Healthcare Mess Elixir? The Public Option – IOTW Report

Well, We Never Saw This Coming — Obama’s Healthcare Mess Elixir? The Public Option

The Federalist-

Was this their plan all along?

Obamacare is circling the toilet of bad public policy. Insurers are backing out, premiums are skyrocketing, and Americans – especially much-needed healthy Americans – aren’t signing up.

This was all predicted.

Republicans and many health policy experts said this would happen – that’s one of the reasons the GOP wouldn’t sign off on it.

So now that the obvious has come true, Barack Obama is floating an idea to save the entire system: Go full-steam into true socialized medicine, complete with the dreaded “public option.”

In an article for The Washington Post,  Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a former Obamacare top official, said he had a fix for the problems. He offered a five-prong solution, but one in particular stands out: A public option.

He says that “we should consider a public option,” because “consumers should never be subject to the whims of insurer withdrawals or withdrawal threats,” The Daily Caller is reporting.


HT/ Annie

5 Comments on Well, We Never Saw This Coming — Obama’s Healthcare Mess Elixir? The Public Option

  1. Your impulse is to think it’s all a matter of good but mistaken intentions, if not for the awful examples from the U.K. alone. They know all about that better than we do. That tells you the planned destruction is deliberate.

  2. What a short, strange trip it’s been.

    The single payer plan was always the goal. We’ve always knew that. We drove up to DC over and over and over again to protest, walk the halls of congress, to demonstrate before the Supreme Court.

    We wrote. We called. We raised holy hell.
    Didn’t matter.

    Obama slow motion fucked us. Nancy pelosi defied us and called us racists for resisting their nefarious intentions.

    I still burn with rage. I won’t need a pencil to mark Trumps spot on the ballot. My laser eyes will burn a hole through his oval.

  3. Nothing like watching recaps of 9/11/2001 on History Channel right now and wondering how Americans could elect a muslim as their president 7 years later. Burns my ass.

    I am now listening to Dodgers baseball. National treasure Vin Scully, at 88 years old, has only about 10 games to call before he’s done. I’ve listened to the master since I was 6 years old.

    He’s the epitome of class. His exit mists me up.

    A 67 year career painting baseball games as if you are there. Plus the story telling about baseball yore.

    Another lost treasure.

  4. Instead of being subject to the whims of insurance companies, we will be subject to the whims of an increasingly powerful and unfriendly government. Want some insurance? What will you give up (favorite foods, hobbies, guns)?

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