Well Wishes For Our Buddy Marezilla – IOTW Report

Well Wishes For Our Buddy Marezilla

She’s having major surgery tomorrow and she’s scared and I think she can use a little community love.

From Mare-

Tomorrow is the day of my surgeries. I am scared. All I care about is surviving it so I can be around for my kids (and dogs and cats, but really what gets me upset is worrying about my kids – they are still young & need their mommy!)

I really need this surgery badly, the symptoms have become unbearable and frightening.
If all goes well, I should be getting sent home some time Thursday. I’ll drop you a line to let you know I’m alive when I am able.

81 Comments on Well Wishes For Our Buddy Marezilla

  1. The IOTWR Force is with you, Marezilla. Hang tough and remember that our thoughts and best wishes go with you into the OR, so you know you’re going to be OK. Drop us a line afterward and let us know how you’re doing.

  2. God will touch your shoulder Marezilla and all will be well. Give my best to your family (and the dogs and cats but then they’re part of the family as well I’d wager) because you’ll be home with your family before you know it.

  3. Stay strong Marezilla, lots of prayers for you. A good friend of mine just went through a open heart surgery and he is home now and feeling better than he has in a long time. He has 7 kids, 4 of them still at home. Looks like he is a genuine success story.

  4. My prays are with you Marezilla. Put yourself in God’s hands and be not troubled. All things are possible. All outcomes are blessed for those with faith and strength to let go of all doubts and anxieties.

  5. If you have Christ in your heart, you have nothing to fear. I’m 10-11 surgeries deep in the last 10 years. Yes I have lost count. I understand the fears. I will pray for you and your family.

  6. Marezilla, sleep well tonight surrounded by the love and prayers of ‘strangers’ from the internet who are your friends. May God hold you strong and keep the surgeons touch on target.

    Speedy recovery and God bless.

  7. Let go. God will carry you through. Just envision yourself being cradled; close your eyes and snuggle down and go with Him, as a child, because you are His child. He has you.

  8. Been there, done and felt that. The hardest part is just getting into the OR because of the days of anxiety beforehand. There the anesthesiologist will let you know when the bolus is delivered through your IV, then it’s off to Planet Propofol or whatever they use.

    After that, the next thing you will know is waking up in Recovery. Wishing you a fast recuperation.

  9. We’ll be with you in Prayer and Spirit.
    May the Lord guide your Doctors and Nurses and embrace you in his arms of protection, grace, peace and healing.
    Thank you Lord for Marezilla, be with her, her family and friends during surgery and her recuperation.
    Blessings !

  10. Hey you, prayers your way for everything to go right. Keep faith. It’s your light and your friend to show you the way and keep you company so you’ll not wander the dark alone.

  11. Sending a prayer tonight and I will ask my prayer buddy, Fr. Stanley Rother to send his healing spirit. Stanley, a martyred American priest from Oklahoma,who was just beatified, has helped me through some challenging times. He’s my go to angel. 🙏🏻❤️

  12. Zilla, know that The True and Living God will never leave you nor fosake you. Trust Him – He loves you. Praying for your successful surgery and recovery. May you and your family know Peace that passes all understanding. God bless.

  13. Keep a positive attitude that’s a must!
    And remember on a positive note…I won’t be your surgeon, so there’s one thing you won’t have to worry about.

    We’ll be sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear from you on Thursday…PRAYERS!

  14. Zilla. I am going to boldy pray before The Throne for your successful surgery and speedy recovery right after I hit “POST COMMENT.” May the overwhelming peace of Christ saturate your body, mind, and spirit. As well as your family’s.

  15. Fear not marezilla. Your friends at iotw and the lord are with you. Good American medical care awaits you.
    Getting you a pogo stick for Christmas. Unless you would prefer a skateboard. Let me know.

  16. Any surgery thought of as “minor”, is “major surgery” when it’s your own. Or for a child, spouse, parents, sibling (well, the ones that still speak to you). It’s said there are no atheist in fox holes, I’ve sometimes wondered if there are any in the OR. It’s that scary. Praying your surgery is successful and recovery comfortable, quick and complete.

  17. Thank you, everyone! I leave for the hospital in a little over an hour. Surgery is scheduled for 11am EST. If all goes well they will send me home tomorrow, but if I can get online from there I will try to get word to you guys when I wake up later today to let you know I’m ok. I am nervous but feel better with you all praying for me! I am also very thirsty! The whole no food or drink after midnight, like I’m a mogwai. LOL Time to wake the kids. We have nobody to watch them so my whole little family is going with me! Except the pets, they will be guarding the house!

  18. Thank you, everyone! I got home just a few hours ago. Surgery went well, I think, but they failed to take my life threatening Addison’s Disease seriously & forgot what my endocrinologist and I told them needed to be done post surgery and I got VERY SICK! I could have died, but YOUR prayers gave me an edge and made me strong so I am home now. Very very sore, but glad it is over and feeling better in some small but important ways already. Thank God, and thank you, and thank God FOR you! I really do love you all SO MUCH! Thank you again, and may God bless you, each and every one of you.

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