Wendy’s Flips on “Dynamic Pricing” Scheme – IOTW Report

Wendy’s Flips on “Dynamic Pricing” Scheme


Fast Food Inflation is definitely real, but is Wendy’s really going to set up surge pricing next year — meaning charging more for food at certain times of day — as several media outlets have reported? According to a company spokesperson, no, and it’s all a big misunderstanding. More

17 Comments on Wendy’s Flips on “Dynamic Pricing” Scheme

  1. If you’ve ever been so unfortunate as to be downwind of a cattle feed lot, then you know what this “announcement” smells like. Corporate spokesvermin have to be careful what they say to shareholders, analysts, and the SEC, but they can pretty much feed whatever crap they want to us ordinary people.

  2. Like I’ve said before, I don’t consume poison. However, dynamic pricing? Where’s the financial impact. Raw goods are the same price no matter the time of day. Assembly time is still the same. Where’s the pricing impact?

  3. You mean like our local express tollway here in Texas?

    You could have 3 or 4 different rates over the same stretch during the day depending on which way you’re going and time of day.

    But, the thing is, why does Wendy’s want to discourage business when they have the most customers? Were they being overwhelmed?

  4. Did anyone else catch the Laura Ingraham Mean Girl tonight?
    It was posted here at leas an hour before her slot.
    She hates with a CAPITOL HATRED
    Cannabis drives her mad
    Absolutely Bonkers

    Cannabis is from God
    From the Beginning
    She is a LIAR

    That Lesbian is NOT ON OUR SIDE

    They are insecure, paranoid, intolerant and vengeful
    A Lot of Fake Catholics

    Maybe the Devil in Disguise?
    Something to think about with these RINO types and their motivations. Once you recognize them, you see more.

    She maybe a witch, too

  5. Sometimes things look good on paper but lose their luster when you see how it effects real folks. I guess a healthy bottom line doesn’t mean much if, to get it, you have to hurt the ones you depend on. It’s people who make the difference. Little people, like you.


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