We’re a Conservative Site With an Obvious Love of Humor and Satire- Yet We Never Ever Pimp PJ O’Rourke – Now You’ll See Why – IOTW Report

We’re a Conservative Site With an Obvious Love of Humor and Satire- Yet We Never Ever Pimp PJ O’Rourke – Now You’ll See Why

Why would a conservative site, which has just been described as “sarcastic” by The Daily Mail, never ever link to “humorist” PJ O’Rourke? Seems like a natural, right?


I always thought the guy was a bore and a simpleton. He never struck me as conservative and he seemed to be a little self-important in that insufferable George Will way. (Actually, he looks and sounds like George Will after a weekend of wine tastings gone too far.)

In my mind he was the entertainment equivalent of Garrison Keillor. And let’s face it, “humorist” is code for “not funny.”

Well, this video is exhibit A.

O’Rourke actually mouths the left’s moronic point that we are “a nation of immigrants” as a rebuttal to Trump’s plan to keep ILLEGAL ALIENS from ILLEGALLY crossing our border. He also openly admits that opening the border, which he is for, is simply an effort to save social security after big government locusts stripped it bare.

My 8-year semi-ban of PJ O’Rourke has been vindicated.

52 Comments on We’re a Conservative Site With an Obvious Love of Humor and Satire- Yet We Never Ever Pimp PJ O’Rourke – Now You’ll See Why

  1. “In my mind he was the entertainment equivalent of Garrison Keillor.”

    I trust you on this, Fur. And that’s all I need to know about pjo. Had my own misgivings — and you couldn’t have described him better — “Keillor” — yup.

  2. He use to stand out when there weren’t that many voices on the Right to provide some counter-narrative.

    Now he’s washed out by a lot more people making a lot better arguments and better at ridiculing the left.

    PJO, your time has come and passed.

  3. I can pinpoint the very last words of his that I ever read…

    “Some people say John McCain isn’t conservative enough. But there’s more to conservatism than low taxes, Jesus, and waterboarding at Gitmo.”

  4. “sarcastic conservative group blog called I Own the World”, that’s great that you made the Daily Mail but I would have liked to have seen it be a little more complimentary. Maybe I’m wrong but I sensed that they are not amused.

  5. In other words, O’Rourke is happy with his illegal immigrant house staff and lawn care people; so it makes sense that our country import 25% of Mexico in order to make sure working class jobs are driven to poverty level wages everywhere. That will never be a problem for O’Rourke nor his social circle.

  6. I thank the Donald for all the publicity.

    I wonder if there’s anyway to reach out to the billionaire for further service in smiting the wicked?

    It’s just so awesome that the credits weren’t clipped and this site actually gets some attention.

  7. I have to admit I’m a lover of PJO’s books. They are great satire. I’m looking at “Holidays in Hell” and “Parliament of Whores” on my shelf. I find them great conservative humor.
    That said, I saw his interview with smarty pants Don Lemmon last week and it baffled me. PJ sputtered on like an addled Brit Hume, stammering and stuttering, searching for the perfect word like a Doctor Edwin Corey student, it pissed me off. “We are a nation of immigrants,” he exclaimed and then proceeded to trash Trump and Cruz, to the delight of smarty pants.
    Hey PJ it’s illegal immigrants we’re worried about: illegal immigrants and unvetted Syrian terrorists. FFS!
    So he’s pulling for Killary just like his drinking buddy Christopher Buckley, son of the great WFB Jr., backed Obama in 2008

    It’s all so Goddamn confusing to me. It’s only 5pm and I need a drink.

  8. I have been a PJ O fan for years, and looked forward to his columns when I found out he was joining the DailyBeast. I was quite disappointed, because his columns are just not funny anymore….That being said, in this video it sounds to me like this is Satire, not what he actually believes.

  9. I have a lake home in the heart of Wobegone Keillor country. Muslims are getting closer to the chatterbox cafe every day.
    The women aren’t strong, the men aren’t good looking, and the children pretty much suck too.

  10. It’s pretty kool having a spick poolboy and a herd of beaners to mow and trim the lawn, not to mention the maid … uhh … “service” (if you get my drift) … you fucking peasants should try it some time!

  11. I tried to like him just because I was supposed to, halfway through most of his pointless ramblings, my eyes would glaze over. I am a believer in, if you’re trying to reach the masses, KISS. Mark Twain school of writing.
    George Will and Keillor, spot on, Cat in the Hat.

  12. Ditto – I’ve enjoyed his writing for a long time. Haven’t read much recently, and now it sounds like he should be lumped in with Rubio.

    Christopher Buckley sure seems like a true conservative now, based on his Facebook posts. He really backed 0bama in 2008?

  13. Nope.
    Interview in Salon
    >I happen to be a pro-immigrant person. As I said in my piece, she’s (ann Coulter) from Connecticut, and she’s very upset about immigrants. I’m willing to lend a sympathetic ear to people from Connecticut when it comes to immigrants — if they happen to own a tribal casino! My feeling is, unless you’re Native American, you should just shut up about this. ‘Cause you ain’t from here.>>

    Not funny. Not intellectual. America was not a sovereign country when “people from Connecticut” arrived. They are called SETTLERS.

    >Anyway, so the woman called me and said, “P.J., what do you think about having Ted Cruz up here?” And I said, “Geez, I don’t know. I don’t know him but he’s so conservative. I’m not sure how he’s going to go down with the Republicans up here.”

    You have to understand: We don’t have any Mexicans up here, we’re not worried about that. Illegal immigrants are thin on the ground in New Hampshire,>

    >Someone once called Roman Polanski the 5-foot Pole you wouldn’t touch anything with. There’s a joke in there about Trump, trying to fight its way out!>

    >As the editor of National Lampoon and, as I say, the designated funny conservative for so many years, you couldn’t have dreamed up anything as nutty and improbable and frightening as the Trump candidacy, could you?

    No, no. Oh God, no. When I started covering this stuff, we were talking about Reagan and Bush 41. That era may have lacked a number of things, it may have lacked sense and brains and so forth and so on, but it didn’t lack gravitas.>>

    The Reagan era lacked sense and brains.
    It makes you wonder who O’Rourkes’ republican is.
    Sounds like he’d love Martin O’Malley, that well known republican.

  14. Agreed. He used to write wickedly well but spoke poorly. Now he sux at both.

    But I will always remember him fondly as the author of one of my all-time favorite quotations:

    Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

  15. Yep, he sure did. If I remember correctly it was because he thought Obama had good
    judgment or something. He also had some fairly nasty things to say about conservatives. I think it was when he jumped into the Daily Beast.

  16. Left Coast Dan. Yes, Chris Buckley backed Obama in 2008, he then left, or was asked to leave, National Review. I haven’t payed much attention to him since then but I hear he’s quite a successful writer. Good for him

  17. when i have heard him on the radio in recent years, I am always hoping for the old PJ. He doesnt show up. What shows up is some cranky old fart on the dark side of the republican party.

  18. i looked forward to the national lampoon (and in Rolling Stone?) and read and reread his articles, and disappointed when they werent there. I did read both those books and laughed my way through them. I couldnt put Holidays down, and Parliament was just as good. I tried reading another book of his years ago, but it didnt have the punch.

  19. He wrote some very funny stuff for the National Lampoon. I’ve also enjoyed most of his books, my favorite, which I reread last year, Eat the Rich.

    He also famously said, “If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it’s free”

    I caught him interviewed several years ago and came away thinking, he was trying too hard-he’s not really where I would turn for political insight. That’s what IOTW is for!

  20. My goodness, O’Rourke’s almost 70 years old, give the old geezer a break. O’Rourke was funny & quick witted in his day. Now he’s just another dumb Northeastern leper who has lost his bell, mumbling his way through the world.

  21. There is a troll here who has no fight in him. He has gone back to his mother’s basement with a half dozen Krispy Creams an a 16oz. diet soda. Nobody paid any attention to him but me because I felt he called me out. I just wondered who the stronger man was.

  22. Tommy don’t worry about trolls,see if you like this.

    Three men died on Christmas Eve

    ….and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. ‘In honor of this holy season’ Saint Peter said, ‘You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.’

    The Englishman fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. ‘It’s a candle’, he said. ‘You may pass through the pearly gates’ Saint Peter said.

    The Scotsman reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, ‘They’re bells.’ Saint Peter said ‘You may pass through the pearly gates’.

    The Irishman started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women’s panties. St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, ‘And just what do those symbolize?’ The Irishman replied, ‘These are Carol’s’

  23. Tommy. There’s no question who’s the stronger man. You’re the Hemmingway of IOTW. I how ever am board and in a little bit of a bad mood. Bring Jamal to me. I promise not to hurt him. I can teach him the discipline of iron. Heavy weight has no prejudice.

  24. Magnum/ Brad. I’m having a nitecap, but here’s one for you.
    True story
    During the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne three merchant seamen buddies were on leave and wanted to see the games. But they had no tickets. The scalpers were asking outrageous prices for tickets. So the three lads, an Italian, a Greek, and an Irishman, decided to try to go in as participants in the games.
    They searched around and Aldo found a long pipe, Stephano stole a manhole cover from the street, and Paddy stole a bail of barbed wire from a construction site. They approached the athletes entrance.
    Aldo went first with his pipe. Bucsone, Italy Javielin, he announced with authority. They passed him through the gate.
    Step. went next with his manhole cover, Appopotomis, Greece, Discus, he announced. They passed him through.

    Paddy was next , with his bail of barbed wire. O’BRIEN, IRELAND, FENCING, he announced boldly.

    They arrested him

    Happy New Year all God love you .

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