We’re All Trolls Now – IOTW Report

We’re All Trolls Now

Reading comment sections these days is a dismal affair. Why? Because, apparently, everyone is a troll.

It’s becoming depressingly absurd.

Post criticism of Trump and you’re immediately branded a troll.

Post criticism of Cruz and you’re a brainless zombie Trumpbot… and a troll.

Post something positive about Cruz, you’re an idiot, and the idiot is a troll, and the troll is possibly trolling in reverse, and he’s also being paid by George Soros and/or the Bilderberg Group, or the Jews, or the GOPe or the Koch Brothers, or Breitbart or Mark Levin.

A criticism cannot be made without a sinister motive. You’re obviously part of a multi-level cabal where you aren’t even aware of the other levels, that’s how stupid you are, and that’s how smart *I* am.

Everyone is an armchair genius who is “on to you,” and you must be silenced or abused.

I’m sick of it.

I can’t police the internet, but to a degree I can police this site. I don’t like a tone that suggests certain people are unwanted.

No commenter on this site should ever tell another commenter that they should go away. No commenter has that authority. Nobody should ever accuse another commenter of being a troll. I haven’t seen anyone commenting that is insincere and voicing their opinions only to get a rise.

I’ve sparred with commenters, not once did I think they were “playing me.” I think they are predictable and consistent, and that can be frustrating. But that is a 2-way street. They could say the same about me.

But even at my low-point, and least proudest moments in the comment section, I’ve never disinvited anyone’s views, and neither shall any other commenter.

People supporting Cruz are not supporting a guy that is out to destroy the world.

People supporting Trump are not supporting a guy that is out to destroy the world.

Can we gain some perspective and leave the accusations about commenter’s motivations at the iOTWreport front door?

I hate that kind of paranoid bullsh!t.



87 Comments on We’re All Trolls Now

  1. Mr. Hat; I’ve noticed something else that bothers me. The left singles the right as being heartless beings. I think there’s an element of truth to that.

    You post a possibly heartwarming story like the baseball player quitting because the management didn’t want his son around (that’s backfired on management now, by the way), or a story about Liza Minelli, who is old and just getting on with her life, and the posts are filled with nasty, hate filled opinions.

    Too much snark; not enough empathy.

  2. I understand why people engage in that kind of activity so it doesn’t bother me, it often works to my benefit when I can turn peoples words back on them.
    I do understand what you are saying, though. I have seen a lot of people just stop posting, here and on other sites, due to that kind of behavior. From a site owners perspective having a site taken over by a small group is not conducive to success.

  3. BFH, by “disinvited” I take it you mean an explicit post or comment to that effect, because you have indeed blocked comments from disagreeable people. I am quite certain of that because you blocked me for a little while after the 2012 election. BTW, I understand why and hold no grudge at all and mention it only for historical accuracy.

  4. A troll doesn’t mean you disagree with a group.
    A troll is someone who travels from site to site (trolling, as in netting) making comments designed to get a rise from the viewer saying things that the troll doesn’t even necessarily agree with. They just want to disrupt and say outrageous things and gain attention.
    It’s a sport.

    The epithet is now misused in many ways, including, as you say, to characterize commenters who have a legitimate alternate view as trolls.

  5. Al, I never blocked you. That’s absurd. I never blocked anyone except James Hines.

    You’ve been among my favorite commenters over the years and you’ve actually changed my views on some subjects – particularly law enforcement.

  6. When anyone starts calling people names, I immediately dismiss them as having anything valuable to say. I don’t care if anyone likes Cruz, Trump, or Kasich, it’s nothing to me really. I’m standing with Trump, I don’t care if anyone likes it or not. I do know who I won’t vote for. This election is ending up to really divide this country even more, I doubt we’ll recover from this. Obama won, he set out to destroy and divide and he has won. Sadly.

  7. Mr. M,
    The players threatening a boycott are wrong.
    And empathy is not something that should even be considered in this matter.
    LaRoche is wrong. Period.

    He is a professional baseball player. He takes orders from his boss. When the boss doesn’t want the kid around the locker room 24/7, that’s the way it goes.
    No crying. No tiny violins. No exceptions.
    He can quit, that’s his right.

    I didn’t participate in the Liza Minelli thread.

    Yes, the right can stand to be more empathetic at times, and the left should be much less at times.

  8. I disagree, the Liza Minelli post had a fair bit of empathy, sentient commentary, snark, and nasty humor.
    A perfect balance if you ask me.

    This site has plenty of empathy!!!

    See yesterday’s post about the little girl that was paralyzed or the dog owner from the other day.

  9. Quashing the freedom of individual thought, thinking and speech. It has become a primary bullying tactic. THAT is why Trump triumphs.

    We want our freedoms back. And no, I am not for Trump, but I appreciate him for giving us back the right to say we’re sick of government and leftists taking our freedoms.

    Shame on the GOP or anyone who marginalizes the votes of the American people. If people don’t want Trump, then they should get off their keesters and vote for the candidate of their choice and stop trying to play political Russian Roulette or other political games.

    Think for yourselves, people, don’t wait for the. MSM, pundits, or political hacks to tell you how to vote.

  10. Thanks, Fur! I love the comments on this site and it’s actually been enjoyable to watch some of the back and forth, but I can’t believe that we are still in primary season and it’s this bad between people who are supposedly on the same side.

  11. I’ve been labeled a troll. I don’t comment often, but I read this site many times per day, and have been for the last 4+ years. So yes – I help contribute to the traffic. I was anti-Trump before, for the right reasons, but I’m pro-Trump now, for the right reasons. He’s going to be our nominee folks. It’s time to unite. Hitlery must not win. Goodnight Czar, you troll.

  12. I have followed this site for many years and find it takes nerve to approach the level of intelligence that ALL your followers demonstrate. It’s daunting to respond and participate with any kind of comment because I’ve never felt welcomed or worthy….as if your regulars are in a superior clique that newbies can’t infiltrate. I still thoroughly enjoy your articles and everyone’s comments but newcomers don’t feel welcomed and others often feel bullied. You all have so much to offer and I learn from you daily but how do we break in when the arguments do nothing to encourage offered opinions or debate. I’m not judging anyone in particular… I just respect this site so much more than others.

  13. No man is an Ireland, even on St. Patrick’s Day. And if a sweet Irish lass posts outrageous and disruptive things to provoke and annoy one commenter, you are likewise diminished, too.

    Therefore, never send to know for whom the belle trolls; she trolls for thee.


  14. Thank you, Brad. I will jump in but take it a little easy on the new kid. Actually, the new kid is an old broad and my skin is about the only thing left on me that’s still thin…. And I’m cling in’ to it!

  15. Gwen, I went back and looked at some of my earlier posts from two years ago.
    Some posts I kind of cringe, other times I think I wrote something worthy.
    I believe it takes a bit of time to develop a rapport with people on a blog.

    As far as sites go, this one was far more welcoming than any other I visit.
    HotAir required a period to “enroll”.
    Screw that.
    Kind of like the Affordable Care Act.
    Now they do Facebook comments and I will not get on Facebook.

    The more voices the better.
    You will definitely refine your craft the more you comment.

    I have had disagreements with those on this site and I did stay away for a bit.
    I enjoy posting here so I returned.

    Hell, Bad_Brad and I have had knock-down-drag-outs but now I consider him an actual human being.
    Yes his heart is the size of The Grinch’s but I believe it still beats for mankind.

    So, say something Gwen…

  16. Gwen, I’ve noticed most of us take it easy on new posters and try and welcome them. I think I do. FUR may disagree lol. I can tell by your last comment you’ll do fine.

  17. Loco, how in the world to you go back a couple years and review what you posted, do you save them?

    Gwen, don’t hesitate to throw something out there, it’s not like you have to post your address and phone number. The only way anybody knows who you are is if you buy a painting or something.

  18. Gwen — I think I remember you posting some comments here.

    I had to laugh at how highly you regard the commenters here — not laughing at you, just at the situation. See, today I was going to swear off IOTWr for the umpteenth time (I do have to leave for a few days once in a while), because the commenters — Lord, how can I say this without inciting a Trumpian riot? — the commenters sometimes, well…. Don’t worry about commenters being too droll (just between you and me, I think some of them drink), 😉

    So come on in — unless you’re a Cruz supporter.


  19. Joe_6, the bottom page actually can go back to 2014, page 819.

    I go back longer than two years here but that history was lost:

    iowntheworld transgendered into iotwreport or some such bullshit.

    Plus there was that foreclosure, the Teamster’s strike, Reagan fired all the posters, then Hillary wiped the server.

  20. Yeah, politically, A lot of unnecessary crap started flinging awhile back. Just to shut down other-minded.

    They win.

    Silence from those who don’t want to do that with them, or anyone else, for that matter.

  21. Abigail , you by far are the one who makes me scratch my head the most. Not because I disagree with what you say but rather how you say it. I’m not one who is easily impressed but you do a woman proud and pull no punches. Good on you. BTW, Cruz blows.

  22. The troll died way back in 1998. I started trolling in 1994 and quit once my term was up.

    The internet is weird like that.

    One week it’s all fun and games, the next week it’s all about better things to do.

  23. LBS….don’t do me that way. They all blow and I’ll still hold my nose and vote for Cruz over that Clinton bitch any day. My name really is Gwenn ….. I thought about Blooze Hag for a name because I like blues music and Alcohol but I just felt like a poser. I am who I am and love u guys already….but I know that can change in a heartbeat cuz you’re all brutal as hell.

  24. You know, gaming has it’s trolls too. People come into a server and do whatever they can to disrupt the play.

    Neither kind of troll is right in the head. They get pleasure in causing others discomfort and grief.

    Some people just need their ass kick a little more.

  25. Gwenn — Don’t let Loco make you think he’s, like, the BMOC, ’cause he’s not. You can suck up to Bad_Brad and me all you want — but I have a feeling you won’t need us to do your talking fer ya’. lol!

  26. @BFH – I have been assuming incorrectly for several years that what must have been some unknown (and by this time unknowable) technical failure somewhere was the result of an editorial decision by you. I am very glad to know that I was mistaken. Thank you for straightening this out, and special thanks for your kind and complimentary words.

  27. Gwenn,

    I read the part – “…but newcomers don’t feel welcomed and others often feel bullied.” and thought: Yeah, the ones that come in with the intention of insulting and expressing anger get both barrels, that’s for sure.

    Even a sock puppet poster like “Larry the Liberal” brings it out. I certainly gave Larry a piece of my mind the first time I saw him.

    People who agree with you might jump on you in a misunderstanding of a post. It happens. Got some psychos around too, but you know that if you’ve been around a few years.

    It’s life here. Not a safe zone.

    But! I guarantee you something if you take it to heart – Post genuinely and engagingly and you’ll be a super star. ?

  28. Loco, what would we talk about? Besides that Freaken weird Dutch Rudder thing FUR and Pinko have going on. Don’t tell me you never thought that a little New Yark weird.

  29. Loco, I think they were like thirteen and it went like this, “Holy crap Mr. Pinko, I have a stiffy. Pinko “Well I’m not touching the damn thing”. FUR, “It’s a terrible thing to waste, I have an Idea”. The birth of the Dutch Rudder.

    Except I’m Dutch and don’t get it. This may require more New York investigation. Dang it.

  30. Amen to being “sick of it”. Thank you for this post, BFH.

    I got called a troll by “Anonymous”, who I’m sure is an upstanding citizen who everybody here knows by his unique name. lol. Fucking asshole. Oops, I mean son of a bitch. No, I think cocksucker would best fit, because I do believe he was about ready to offer Trump a BJ.

    That kind of shit will not help get your guy any extra votes. Any guy. Just not that bastard Hillary.

  31. Does this mean I can’t make fun of Larry the Asshole LBGT Libtard?

    The guy’s a total douche who sets himself up as an abuse magnet, every time. I’m actually cool with gay people (Michael Musto, Milo Y.), but this guy is a walking encyclopedia of everything I dislike about libs.

  32. I hope everyone who can spare it will hit the tip jar here to help our beloved BigFurHat get some goodies to take the edge off his blogger fatigue. I’d suggest a vacation, but we need him too much. They say money can’t buy happiness but I think they’re lying.

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