We’re Deplorable, MS-13 is Dateable – IOTW Report

We’re Deplorable, MS-13 is Dateable

It’s all fun and games until they are “dating” MS-13, upside down in a barrel while the whole gang takes a bang. Then you’re shot, if they’re bored and you’re lucky. Otherwise they’ll have more fun watching you die in agony.

ht/ GoCJG

10 Comments on We’re Deplorable, MS-13 is Dateable

  1. If MS-13 bumps off these insane leftists, they will perform a public service.

    There, Nancy Pelosi, there is their spark of humanity – they are carrying out God’s plan for you liberals.

  2. kill, rape, control. They’re into that? Well, I guess so. Because they kill the unborn, don’t say anything about hollywood raping each other and loved being controlled under 0bama. Perfect match. Ga head.

  3. I’m a women and a registered republican that voted for trump. I wonder where my rich daddy was as I was raised by my divorced mother who bartended for a living….


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