“We’re Going To Bomb the Sh!t Out of ISIS” – President DJT – IOTW Report

“We’re Going To Bomb the Sh!t Out of ISIS” – President DJT

Video of The Mother of All Bombs.

Side note:

Ann Coulter seems to have turned on Trump, as well as the denizens in the comment section of Breitbart.


Because of the bombing in Syria. The hand-wringing is that it is a “pointless war,” and this is the precursor of him entering more pointless wars.

But Ann was in favor of “bombing the sh!t out of ISIS.”

Well, I say, based on my vast military and foreign affairs experience, experience I’ve gained by reading tweets by other experts on Twitter, people like BasementDweller10709, that fighting ISIS is a pointless war.

(See, anyone can play that game.)

I am the first to admit that I cannot unravel the Syria/Assad/ISIS/Russia melange to the point where it has any logical coherency.

Could the bombing of the military airport in Syria be part of fighting ISIS, even tangentially?


It could be.

The point is, Coulter doesn’t know either, certainly not so emphatically that she would now turn on Trump after being his most vocal supporter.

Isn’t her reaction out of proportion compared to how much she supported him? This was an isolated bombing of a military airport so that Sarin gas couldn’t be rained down from the sky on Syrian civilians and she’s lost that loving feeling.

She’s making fun of Trump, painting him as some nutball sitting on a couch, thirsty for love and power, using bombs as a way of getting there, a charge she called ridiculous when the left made them:

My nightmare scenario: Trump and Jared watching TV together and high-fiving: DID YOU SEE THE NEWS! THEY LOVE YOU! All Trump had to do was pointlessly bomb another country, and it was as if a genie had granted his every wish.

What is going on here?

Someone, please tell me.


58 Comments on “We’re Going To Bomb the Sh!t Out of ISIS” – President DJT

  1. Don’t read this as a defense of Ann. But she declared herself as a single-issue voter (illegals). Anything that she sees as taking Trump away from that, she objects to.

    I don’t get why she’s going so negative. Perhaps she feels Trump needs some nudging from those who “helped him win.”

  2. Rush spent a decent amount of time on something that’s related to this–the fact that Trump during the campaign never got into details or specifics on important issues and that many of his supporters “filled in the blanks” and completed the issue’s specifics for him on their own, like, or example, NATO being obsolete.
    I think Coulter’s reaction is typical to that of many of his most fervent supporters–he didn’t specifically say something on a point, but they’re sure he did and meant every word of it.
    Ever since, “It depends on what the meaning of “is” is!”, any person in a position of power has my undying lack of trust, even if their hearts are in the right place.

  3. I can’t go to Breitbart anymore because the comment sections have been over-run with weirdos talking about how Israel owns Trump and the Jooooooos are trying to destroy America. It’s a breeding ground for the conspiracy freaks. And you know what? So are some of their articles and that don’t help much either.
    They seem to have lost their way ever since Bannon left.
    Oh well. I’ll go back when it’s adult swim again.

  4. Ann is doing just fine… keep Trumps feet to the fire of always looking out for America’s best interest. Let Ann jump on him so hopefully he doesn’t get carried away.

  5. I half-like Ann Coulter. She worked my nerves since the time she was slamming the Tea Party and was openly sucking Paul Ryan’s junk. I can agree on her about some things, but when she goes off the deep end, she really takes a running start. LOL.

  6. Ever since, “It depends on what the meaning of “is” is!”, any person in a position of power has my undying lack of trust, even if their hearts are in the right place.>>>


    I can’t be disappointed in any politician because no matter who they are, including Trump, I have a jaded eye.

    The only politician that would never disappoint me is me.
    That should be true of all of you.

    But I am enthused about Trump, and support him, and am looking forward to better days.

  7. Ann Coulter has always been too self satisfied for my liking. Granted, she makes a good point every now and then, but she acts like she is not only the smartest person in the room but the best looking as well.

  8. @MJA – So, why read the Breitbart comments at all? I read their articles all the time and I’ve never seen any of the comments because I block the appropriate content server scripts. Easy-peasy with ScriptSafe and Chrome.

  9. Two entirely different issues.

    The 9/11 attacks were planned and orchestrated from Afghanistan. We are in Afghanistan with the permission of the local government.

    Syria never attacked or even threatened to attack the US. Assad has fought the jihadis for years. There’s still an even money bet the chemical attack was a set up by the jihadis.

    Apples and basketballs, both are round but that’s the end of the similarity.

  10. Except, Assad has been known to use chemical weapons on his own people and it doesn’t bother him that he’s set up camp with Iran. So no one is going to convince me that if he didn’t do THIS bombing, he didn’t know who did it and allowed it. And I don’t doubt that Putin knows, too. I’m not going to side with any of the three for this one.

  11. The comment section at Breitbart has been taken over by trolls. They are trying to run off the sane people and kill the blog. Just like they were trying to do to this blog for a while before Trump won the election. It’s SOP for them to try and shut down the anti-globalist opposition.

  12. The point is that there is a very definite “fog of war” here, and 1 bombing sorti on a military airport in Syria does not, in my mind, equal the throwing away of Trump with the bathwater.

    Let’s get a little proportion here, please, is all I ask.
    And if we can’t I suspect something else is afoot.
    It doesn’t add up to a Trump pillorying.

    So, what is going on?

  13. Ann Coulter does not have the intelligence level to keep up with what DJT is up to. Nether does Paul Watson. DJT and TRex are starting to drive the wedge between Putin, Iran, and Syria. Earlier this week China refused a shipment of coal from North Korea. A clear message from the Chinese. Who ever would have believed that would happen. Trumps moving to fast for them to keep up. So they should shut up. In the long run these critics are embarrassing them selves.

  14. Assad is the puppet of Iran. http://www.naameshaam.org/forget-the-syrian-army-its-all-iranian-basij-now/

    The planes were tracked by multiple countries. It’s just plain silly to belirve Assad fights the jihadists or they have have these weapons for years but just now decided to use them

    Coulter and her ilk second guessing are just keeping themselves in the money, it’s their bread and butter. Sadder are the people who buy into their delusions of grandeur

  15. @BFH. “So, what is going on?”

    Lest we forget, MSM taints everything, EVERYTHING. If they can’t find a nasty way to spin, they refuse to report; i.e. recently, the Susan Rice unmasking should-have-been-a-scandal.

    No matter if something comes straight from the mouth of President Trump, they will corrupt it or refuse to report it.

    We must not allow ‘them’ to push our panic buttons, which after 8 torturous years of obama and the previous years of confusion with Bush 2, added to the horror of the Clinton circus of horrors, and the broken promises of the first Bush, we have a tendency to juke when a bird flies near.

  16. When Coulter was Pro Trump, you all loved her.
    Now that she’s criticized Trump on one issue, many of you have turned on her.

    I don’t think this is the “We Tried to Warn You!” moment many people predict, and I hope, pray and expect that that moment never comes.

    If you don’t agree with 100% of everything Trump says or does, when he says of does it, you are a cuck and a RINO and just as bad as a Never Trumpster.

  17. “If you don’t agree with 100% of everything Trump says or does, when he says of does it, you are a cuck and a RINO and just as bad as a Never Trumpster.”

    O.K. you keep posting this so get specific. Name what you think Trump has failed at. And believe me, if I was disappointed in anything he’s done you would know it.

  18. Furbob – BasementDweller10709, living somewhere between Tarrytown and New Rochelle …. simply has to get a little more fresh air. Whilst General Mattis is introducing Afghanistan tunnelers to the 21k, much of New England is dying from poppy field poisoning. Might there be a new Agent Orange in the good Dr. Mattis’s bag of tricks?

  19. I’m thinking this (the airstrikes) are not about either Syria or ISIS/Afghanistan. They are purely demonstrations, against open & despicable targets, of American strength. Friggin’ mountain in nowhere, who cares? Friggin’ MOAB!!! Holy Shit!!! Friggin’ airstrip in a litterbox? Who cares? US will send 59 missiles to obliterate a litterbox, and precision hit with most!!! Impressive!!!

    There’s only one (maybe two, if you add Iran) really unpredictable nation/state, which has been spouting off. I think this was a message the little fat f*ck to shut up and sit down (and maybe to the shi*tes in Iran, too). Maybe to get some other countries who might have some influence on them or some stake in their behaviors to smack them in the back of the head once or twice to get their attention. China moved troops to the border – who’da thunk it two weeks ago? In the bigger picture, neither Russia nor China nor Trump want a big war. Nuclear devastation is bad for bidness.

    You wanna play? Welcome to the big leagues. Now STFU.

  20. AmericanBTGoG

    That’s exactly what I’ve been saying all along. And bonus points for scaring the living shit out of the Russians. The target was going to be the first one that presented it self worthy. And Trump was doing back flips because it happened during a visit from the only nation that has any influence over North Korea.

  21. Nope Geeknerd, you’re wrong, She didn’t criticize Trump, she dishonestly concluded Trump is looking to start a war. Why? Because she needs people to buy her books so she is appealing to their fears.

    Rex Tillerson statement (Snip)

    So there are a number of elements that, in our view, called for this action and which we feel was appropriate. We feel the strike itself was proportional because it was targeted at the facility that delivered this most recent chemical weapons attack. And in carrying this out, we coordinated very carefully with our international partners in terms of communicating with them around the world. And I will tell you that the response from our allies in Europe, as well as the region in the Middle East, has been overwhelmingly supportive of the action we’ve taken.

    No war – not even close. What’s funny as hell is Cernovich, PJW, Steven M etc are now taking credit and claiming it was their Twitter hysteria that stopped Trump from going any further with this WWIII evil globalist scheme that he was conned into. She will follow suit I’m sure. Puh-leeze

  22. geeknerd “When Coulter was Pro-Trump, you all loved her.”Way to go with the generalizations there Bucky. I personally have intensely disliked her for years. I knew what I thought (and still do) and I don’t give a flying flip what Coulter thinks or does. So BACK OFF–I really dislike people who make assumptions.
    BFH, I wish I could answer your specific question but I honestly think she has whatever disease Beck has. I am going to trust Mattis and the Generals on the tomahawks and the MOAB until they give me a reason to not trust them.

  23. I just remember the vitriol directed at me for not reflexively supporting Trump over other candidates, and the undeserved vitriol directed at these other candidates, even to the point of undermining conservative principles. I don’t disagree with Trump’s attack in Syria; I just want you early-adopting Trump supporters to accept that the man is as flawed as anyone.

    As Rush said so clearly today, there is no Trumpism. To paraphrase C. K. Chesterton, the problem with not having a defining set of principles is not that one will believe in nothing, but that one will believe in anything.

    I voted not so much for Trump but against Hillary. I am satisfied with my vote (so far). I am ecstatic with the promises Trump has fulfilled, and disappointed that Hillary is not in jail, ACA has not been repealed and the wall has not been started. But some of you still hate me for my qualified support of Trump, simply because it is qualified.

  24. It is hard to understand military strategy if you don’t have all the facts. After Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt sent troops to North Africa, not Japan. There were several players in WW2 with the Germans, Japanese and Italians making trouble all over the world. Who knows what is really going on in Syria?

  25. Actually I never paid too much attention to Ann. While she can be funny and make good sense of things most of the time, she always seemed a little flighty to me. She’s not in command, she’s not making decisions, it’s just her opinion. As far as I’m concerned that MOAB is what I’m paying taxes for and I’m glad Trump used it! Shake, rattle and roll baybee. Smoke ’em out, blow ’em up and keep ’em on the run till they’re tired, then blow ’em up again!
    They’re out to conquer the world. Blow their’s up first!

  26. There are thousands of Iranian troops in Iraq. Syria is supported by Russia and Iran. The Iranians and Russia have been busy in Afghanistan while Obama fiddled for 8 years. The withdrawal of American influence has created a big vacuum and for some reason, Putin has been attempting to gain control of those regions. Don’t know why he thinks he can handle it.

  27. The limp wristed gay Kenyan commie surrounded himself with people who always agreed with everything he said. How’d that work out? Not too worried about all the brush fires around Trump. The media is out to destroy him so they make up some stuff and blow everything else out of proportion.

  28. Dianny has it right on the Coulter thing. And some others have it right, too. I saw her on Dobbs a few days ago disparaging Trump AND saying why – because she is a single-issue gal and she wants 100% of his attention on The Wall and deportation. That’s her thang.

    BB’s got it right on Tillerson/Trump driving a wedge between Putin and Assad/Syria.

    I would take it a little further and say that Trump, in his talks with China and Tillerson’s with Russia, are smoking all the players out into the open. It’s so much easier to negotiate with people who have been outed. And he really smoked Assad, pun intended. No matter which side of his mouth Assad talks out of (for the rebels, against ISIS, blah, blah, blah) it’s all coming out of one mouth, his. Trump needs to make everything basic and elementary for the NATO crowd to understand because just because he gets what’s what with Syria, Iran, Egypt and Lybia, doesn’t mean the EU does and he’s going to make it all very plain for the rest of the world so that the globalists in the EU and around the rest of the world who think it’s a fine thing to import unvetted muslims as low wage earners and voters, will have lost their cover of “the fog of war” nonsense.

  29. Mischie April 13, 2017 at 5:01 pm

    I don’t take Ann too seriously. Remember when she was crazy about Chris Christy?

    Yeah and now she’s hanging out with some black comedian guy Jimmy something….I don’t take Ann seriously either.

  30. Never much cared for her myself. Even when she was expousing things I agree with , mostly. She is a shock jock and says stuff just for the hype. the hystrionics of Coulter, cernovich, PJW and their ilk really opened my eyes, they way they were talking it up we were going to launch another d day attack on every isis stronghold and camp in Syria.

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