We’re Going To Try and Do This More Often: Conversations With Readers – IOTW Report

We’re Going To Try and Do This More Often: Conversations With Readers

With the amount of poaching we do from the comments section, elevating snark into memes, posting tips about breaking stories, promoting particularly insightful thoughts into the posts, calling readers merely “readers” is a bit of an injustice.

While other sites remove their comments section (this is almost exclusively done by lefty sites) we seek to integrate readers into our content as much as possible.

From time to time we will spotlight a reader so that everyone can put a voice to a commenter (if they can get a word in edgewise… I’m a little chatty.)

Here is Abigail Adams (and Geoff C. Saltine) who was gracious enough to let us record her talking about how she called Nordstrom’s and spoke with a customer relations representative executive assistant to CEO, Blake Nordstrom, to let them know how she feels about their idiotic decision to target Ivanka Trump for punishment.

(By the way. This conversation was 1 hour and 20 minutes long. If I had a Youtube account that would allow the entire upload I would do it.)


34 Comments on We’re Going To Try and Do This More Often: Conversations With Readers

  1. haahha! Just so you know: the woman I spoke with at Nordstrom was an exec asst to CEO, Blake Nordstrom. She wasn’t a random customer service person in the PI. Money talks and BS walks — and I’ve got (somewhere) my original paper Nordstrom credit card. I’m probably customer number 001. Now I’m customer 000. We won the battle of the election but, as you can all see today, the war has just begun. So suit up, fix bayonets, and get into the current battle — whatever it is.

  2. Could this be a case of Employment discrimination? As a citizen of the United States Ivanka has a right to vote and belong to the political party of her choice. Therefore, I don’t believe one’s political beliefs are a valid reason for breaking a contract. The politically correct do not have the right to destroy one’s ability to earn an income. I’m not an attorney, just wondering.
    Meanwhile, not one penny of my money will go to Nordstrom’s where I used to shop.

  3. No hablo ingles,

    I nominate LCD or BigGun. BigGun has a great story to tell about tracking down the relatives of a Sheriff that was killed back in the late 1800’s and get his name on the peace officer memorial at the capitol.

  4. 20 years ago I went to a machine shop to have them make a part I needed for my old car.
    Everything was going great, I gave the guy the part he would make a copy from.
    No problem
    he said.
    Then he punched me in the face.
    “What kind of metal do you want the part made from”?
    “Kind of metal”? WTF?
    I of course had no idea what kinds of metal there were.
    I tried to not loose my ‘man card’ but it was too late.
    So I said the same as the original I guess.
    So of course he was nice enough to explain the options and why one might be better over the original metal.

  5. Once again I say CEOs have a job to steer the corporation in the right, profitable direction, sell products and make money for their employees and investors, not to play these silly, social justice warrior games or be manipulated by a small minority of radical, Left-Wing anarchists.
    Stay out da Politics!
    Focus on your customers.
    Focus on what you’re there for!

    Conversations With Readers is a very interesting feature.
    Hope to see/hear more of it.

  6. Mr.Hat that is Geoff C. The Saltine to you.
    Thank You.
    You need to take this to the long time commenters here and ask them to to do A talk with iOTW, just like Andrea Shea King with you and, the long suffering Mr. Pinko.
    Jethro, MJA, Moe Tom, Irony,et al.
    This would be a good place to start, we all have to keep supporting Trump that is our job right now, stop them, laugh at them, call them out for there lies, and confront them every time they spew there crap.

  7. LOL! Fur, I saw what you did, there. It was a great honor to be chosen for this first at IOTWReport. Mr. Hat is a gracious and witty conversationalist — and he asks really good questions, so if you do this come prepared. (I’m surprised Fur posted over 8 mins. of a recorded convo that was almost an hour an a half!)

    Many thanks, again, Fur!

  8. We have the next one lined up. It’s both a reader and a blogger in their own right, and they have a great story… so stay tuned.

    How this is going to work in the future is I’m going to simply post – WHO WANTS TO TALK?

    You send me a phone number, an outline of what it is you think the readers would like to hear (rant, odd story, poignant story, recent weirdness, example of conservative activism) and I might call within the half hour.

    Very spontaneous, very experimental… and could be cool.

  9. Mr. Hat I think you should put in requests to congress men and women, and see who shows up, it can’t hurt to try asking.
    Who would you like to talk to first I will be glad to put in a call to them as your agent and try to line up a interview.

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