We’re in a pandemic??? Really? – IOTW Report

We’re in a pandemic??? Really?

ht/ c. steven tucker

21 Comments on We’re in a pandemic??? Really?

  1. Entire wings and floors of hospitals need to be shutdown due to staffing. How else are hospitals supposed to keep the appearance of being overcrowded? Traveling nurses aren’t going to pick up the slack because they too are denying the shot.

  2. I remember in the beginning, the hair-on-fire Trump haters were desperate to get him outta there.

    ‘Dempanic’ was perfect. Even uses the same letters.

    NOW look how far down the rabbit hole they’ve gone.

  3. I’m sure there are plenty of highly qualified healthcare workers from Central America and Afghanistan who will get the jab and do the work Americans won’t do…right?

  4. Hell the entire PRN staff at our hospitals were laid off between April and July 2020 during the “pandemic” due to lack of patients. Try and figure that one out

  5. Got a Rhinovirus cold? Nope, it’s COVID Delta Variant.
    Got a Coronaviris cold? Nope, it’s COVID Delta Variant.
    Got Influenza A or B? Nope, it’s COVID Delta Variant.
    Don’t know what you’ve got? Of course not, because it’s COVID Delta Variant.

    I’ll take care of it! 😈

  6. My mom has ended up in the hospital for various medical situations over the last few years. She is getting older, so I guess that is to be expected. But, lately she has been receiving mailers from the hospital touting their services. Like,…WHAT!? Firstly, hospitals aren’t a consumer product. Secondly, if we are in the midst of a pandemic, then why is the hospital trying to drum up patients?

  7. If this shitshow was real, the homeless would be piled 6 feet high on the sidewalks, rotting because the cities wouldn’t scoop them up and dispose of the bodies. I got into it with my lefty cousin today and I let her have it. Whining about her bad health and how people that wont wear masks are selfish and immoral. Fucking cunt. Even as a kid she was dumber than dirt and mean. I have a picture of family together and she was biting another cousin on the arm. She knew better than to go after me, I would knock her ass out. I said you would be happy to deny me entry to get food without the death jab, wouldn’t you? Bitch. I didn’t bother to point out the reason she is feeling worse is because she took the jab. Has lupus and parkinsons and took the jab. And that little bitch probably slept with every man and woman she ever met. But me, one man my whole life, I’m immoral. AND she’s an alcoholic and drug addict. Only been clean a measly 9 years. Can you tell I am pissed? Sorry, this has been building up for a while now.


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