Were those authentic “Trump Supporters” in Virginia? – IOTW Report

Were those authentic “Trump Supporters” in Virginia?

A blog thinks something smells, and honestly, they have my attention. They make a few good circumstantial points, and I love circumstantial evidence.

How is it these people all showed up with the same damn tiki torches?

Why do these dedicated Nazis have “just out of the package” Nazi flags? don’t they fly them around all the time? You’d think they would be well worn.

Also, these Trump supporters don’t look like the type of people we’ve seen at the hundreds of Trump rallies. They, frankly, look like dirtbags. And that smells like a Soros funded project.

Go here and let me know what you think.

I’m not completely convinced, but it’s good food for thought.

ht/ annie



68 Comments on Were those authentic “Trump Supporters” in Virginia?

  1. “Traditionalist Workers Party”
    Sounds totally Constitutional Conservative to me. lol.
    Everybody at a Trump rally would usually wear America gear, hats, and wave American flags.
    If this is true-
    Would anyone be surprised if it was just theater? They really want that war, don’t they?
    So far, they’re beating themselves up. Hope that woman’s life was worth their paycheck.

  2. It’s all just too convenient isn’t it? Something has smelled about this whole thing.
    I’m fairly well connected with politics in Virginia and mainstream as well as monitoring the Extreme.
    Charlottesville was engineered by leftists. They have plans for Richmond in September.
    Charlottesville was an opening salvo. Gird your loins. Obamas amerikkka is unfolding.

  3. Real Trump supporters are optimistic and happy like everyday Americans. They have a great time at Trump rallies.
    Those Nazi’s give off the opposite vibe with their grim faces. The guys carrying the tiki torches look to be trying too hard. Like constipated actors in a Hitler movie.

  4. This group includes the moron who got into trouble at a Trump rally for punching people. He tried to blame Trump in court saying he thought Trump was telling him directly to get rid of the protesters. Deranged.

    “A white nationalist accused of assaulting three protesters at a Donald Trump campaign rally last year alleged the president authorized him to remove disruptive people when he said “Get ‘em out of here,” court papers filed Monday say.”


  5. Where the Hell did these KKK types come from? I mean, we have barely heard a peep out of that bunch for decades yet, all of a sudden there they are, guns blazing and marching with 4’x8’ Swastika flags.
    It seems to me that if they wanted to take people out they would’ve simply started shooting the antifa. The last method of hurting people would have been to drive a car into them.
    Something doesn’t pass the smell test here.

  6. I bet the guy with the car has severe mental issues and is easily manipulated by authority figures. He was probably talked into doing it by one of the NAZIs.
    NAZI’s….antifa… two sides of the same shit coated coin.

  7. I don’t know how many times Trump, R’s or Conservatives have to tell the left and the klan ‘no thanks’ before they take the hint. They’re self serving. Those groups managed to burrow into the left with antifa and blm, etc., but only the right keeps telling them to fuck off.

  8. I’ve never met a Nazi in my entire life or a skin head. So when I see ‘Nazis’ on tv I always wonder
    where they come from.
    My guess
    Central Casting
    Their faces are very clear. The right should investigate who these people are.
    My guess

  9. Last I heard NAZIs are national socialists, aka democrats. KKK is the militant wing of the Democrat party.
    BLM is a militant wing of the democrat party. Antifa is the extreme wing of the Sanders democrats.

    What does this have to do with constitutionalists and originalists? Absolutely nothing.
    And yet all media outlets purposefully ignore these facts.

  10. “Where the Hell did these KKK types come from?

    As far as I could tell, the KKK was barely drawing breath, but the left saw a member around every corner and behind every event that didn’t go their way. All of a sudden, they’re like one of those fungi discovered growing underground of an entire city? I agree. Something doesn’t smell right. At all.

  11. The Photos Look Like SEIU Rallys with Actors. The Second Foto Has 3 Guys the one in the Middle I Think is Hitler, Haircut ( loose in front) Look- Scream !
    This isn’t even Fishy , it Smeels of Dead Rat !!!

  12. I hope this opens the door that the left did not want opened , and Sessions and the FBI look into all of the groups involved with a fine tooth comb. If they do they will land right on the door steps of Soros and many leaders on the left.
    Duke , the KKK , and Neo Nazi groups are not part of us , and Trump has denounced them many times.
    The leaders on Charlotteville , the police and McAulliffe need to be looked at too.
    That young woman did not have to be killed.

  13. There is a long history of this happening in various forms. The FBI, CIA, front groups, fake corporations, etc…

    HL Hunt funded the KKK and Nation of Islime for a very long time back in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. He pitted them both against one another with the cooperation of the CIA and FBI in order to foster chaos and create a perception and narrative. Much of the anti war protests and civil rights violence was engineered by our own government, unbeknownst to 99% of the American people whom never ever suspected our own government could be so devious and malicious against us.

    These people are sick bastards. They dont fear, nor do they care, guns in the hands of illiterate savages, gang bangers, and average ghetto dwellers because those weapons are almost (stress almost) always used on fellow vermin and NEVER on the rich elite ruling class. They are well protected and insulated from the savagery. Occasionally they are used on good and innocent people unaffiliated with the savages but that to them is ok and just a side note. Chicago savages can slaughter themselves and they dont give a single damn. In fact, they encourage it.

    What they fear and refuse to accept is gun ownership in the hands of intelligent, law abiding, non violent, civilized citizens that understand what the use of firearms is for. They fear that someday those citizens may use their firearms to defend their freedom and to fight tyranny and they know they themselves will be the targets.

  14. I watched. Then read, “alt-right Trump supporters” while reading the rest with my mouth open. It’s bullshit, these are not Trump supporters by any stretch. Fake News needs to get a few of them on camera for an interview. I’d like to know more about their backgrounds. I’m holding my breath.. turning blue…

  15. I just used the ICANN WHOIS to see the records for tradworker.org (see here). The registrant and admin contact both point to:
    Name: David Parrott
    Organization: Traditionalist Worker Party
    Mailing Address: 950 S RIDGECREST LN, Paoli Indiana 47454 US
    Phone: +1.3173248282

    Plugging that address into Google Maps shows that it’s a double-wide at the end of a road between a development and agricultural fields (see here).

    I’m not drawing any conclusions from this, just reporting in case it’s useful for anybody.

  16. There an FB page that is thinking down these lines. According to the guys on the page LEO just freaken disappeared. A couple Militias banned together busting up fights and keeping the two groups separated. Those Militias where the Patriots there, and this was an ambush. Something does smell.

  17. Yes folks, if you really want people to join your movement, what better way is there to attract them than parading around with freshly printed Nazi flags?

    This whole thing was staged just like San Jose where the mayor let the lefty thugs attack Trump rally attendees.

    I still remember that young women at the hotel holding her ground against the thugs. That is the charactor of a Trump supporter.

  18. My working assumption is, and has been all day, that this was a false flag operation intended to provoke the reaction it has provoked. As an assumption, I’m the first one to agree I could be totally off base, but the feeling is getting stronger all the time.

  19. Does anybody doubt that Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center has an FBI clearance and a CIA handler? How does an organization that 99% of the American people dont have clue who they are, have an estimated worth and endowment in excess of 100 million dollars that supposedly comes from donations from the public?

    We know Potok earns a fortune for doing nothing. Except maybe for what he is told to do by the Feds. He is the noble icon that gets to label people terrorists and designate hate groups by mere proclamation. Turning anyone in his cross hairs into demon and a racist instantly.

    The media then runs with his declaration and destroys the target. This is just an example of the layers of duplicity we are subject to by these scumbags in Washington. This whole garbage reeks of the COINTELPRO days of Malcom x, King, BLA, BPP, SNCC, Vietnam etc..

  20. I noted the email contact in the WHOIS records (parrott.matt@gmail.com) seems to refer to “Matt Parrott” and not David Parrot. Doing a little digging, I found that a Matt Parrott posts articles (there are several I haven’t read…yet) to something called the Occidental Gazette. Their Mission Statement begins with this:

    A New Webzine: Introducing The Occidental Observer
    Kevin MacDonald, Editor
    The Occidental Observer will present original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West.

    This does suggest relevance.

  21. @Mike Brown is an American Hero:

    Does anybody doubt that Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center has an FBI clearance and a CIA handler?

    Not I. I would be shocked to learn SPLC’s Dees and Potok don’t get bucks one way or another from Soros.

  22. The tea parties were a bunch of nazi racists too the media would have people believe. However, the only Nazi crap I ever saw were the Lew Rockwell idiots who would have their card table set up with their Obama with a Hitler ‘stash posters. Those people were not in any way a part of the tea party movement as this bunch.

    I’d agree it could all be stagecraft too considering the forces that are against Trump. They have all the time and the means to plot and deceive.

  23. Yes Al, I believe they do get Soros money as well. Im all over the place but Ill try to tie it together. It is so convoluted. But back in the 60s and 70s when all of the insanity was going on in urban America, a lot of good Police Officers were killed by the above mentioned savages in what they thought was “The Good Fight”.

    Little did they know that many of the assassinations were in part known about or enabled by the FBI. The local Cops were fighting these groups across America and thought the FBI was on the same page, had their backs. Little did they know until years later that the Feds were funding these groups, influencing them, had players on the inside of many of them, and let them run wild even if it meant a Cop getting killed. All so that they could do what they wanted to do and make things happen they way certain politicians and scumbag interests wanted them to happen.

    So today, I am suspicious that the same shit is happening. The chaos those groups caused back then, whether they were fighting and killing off each other in internal power struggles, or reeking havoc on America as a whole, reminds me of what is going on today with all of these “pop up” radical organizations involved in this garbage. Its too convenient…

  24. No MAGA hats, no American flags, no red, white and blue which I’ve seen at every Trump rally pre and post election.
    This is the same poisonous crap the left tried to pull at Tea Party events. They’ve organized and gotten a big funding source since 2012.
    Smells like Soros and Clintons.

  25. How Many EX -CIA Guys, Do you think are on The Soros Team ???
    I Bet He’s Got Enough to Have Formed His Own CIA & this Would Have Been easy as a Day Off for CIA Types !!!

  26. @Bad Brad. Your first linked tweet had this as the very first response. Uplifting to sour in a couple of nano seconds. From a black guy.
    Aries Spears‏Verified account @AriesSpears
    Replying to @_Makada_ @clbrownjr @realDonaldTrump

    This man & his rhetoric is responsible for YOUR PEOPLE being killed & u proudly support him? U coon niggas make me sick!
    11:22 AM – 13 Aug 2017

  27. Michael Brown is an American Hero is correct – let’s just say, have some personal knowledge from back in the day. These anarchists groups are all intertwined and communism is their core ideology. Our intelligence agencies, who harbor deep state operatives have been manipulating these groups for decades. It’s all about controlling anarchists and sabotaging the will of the People at the same time. Thanks to our socialist education system, millenials, hoodrats and illegals are indoctrinated into believing the destruction of The United States is for the “greater good” as defined by Marxism.

  28. I grew up near the epicenter of the KKK movement in SE Texas and saw several Klan rallies from a distance. I worked with people who were in the Klan. That was a long time ago. The Klan in SE Texas is just about dried up and although there might be a few die hard holdouts, it’s gone for all intents and purposes. Those people at that protest march don’t look like or behave like real Klansmen I ever saw. I noticed right off the bat that they looked like extras from a movie set. It all looked contrived and fake to me. When I saw a Klan rally for the first time, I was eighteen years old and I driving down IH 10 through Vidor, Texas. It sent chills down my back. The people in Charlotte looked ridiculous and they all seemed like posers.

  29. Gov Huckabee tonight.

    “If Donald Tump has suddenly jumped on Marine One . . . down to Charlottesville, walked into the jail where the young man was being held, shot him between the eyes, I guarantee you people said he didn’t use the right caliber bullet . . . [Trump was] explicitly clear in condemning what happened and the fact was he will never satisfy those who hate his every word.”

  30. While I agree with most of what people here say about this smelling/looking like a false flag event, I want to point out 2 details: this was *not* a Trump rally, hence no MAGA hats…and it was a rally ostensibly to protect CONFEDERATE statues, hence bar and stars instead of USA flags.

  31. Czar – It doesn’t matter. It will still get “Trumped” up anyway, which is also one more piece of the puzzle that would point to a set up. I find it too convenient that the Police are told to stand down and let a riot happen… time after time. Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkley, Charlottesville all with democrats, false flags and their radical minions in play here. They’ve done it before, they’ll do it again. What nobody has touched on here is that with practice they simply get better at it.

  32. TO Rat Fink
    Of course, the Left/media will *always* blame Trump AND the Right (*yawn* predictable!). I’m just pointing it out because the thread mentions “Trump supporters” in the title, and alot of folks subsequently posted about MAGA hats and US flags.

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