We’re Witnessing The Corrupt Clinton Machine and It’s Perversely Being Egged On By People That Should Be Fighting It – IOTW Report

We’re Witnessing The Corrupt Clinton Machine and It’s Perversely Being Egged On By People That Should Be Fighting It

This rant is a comment on the frightening mental state of a scorned mob of potential right-wing voters who, after election day, seek to start a new party.

May I suggest a mascot? How about someone bending over and spreading their cheeks? You can call yourselves the “Willing To Take It” party.

What we have here are a group of people that aren’t at all snapped into coherence while witnessing the machine that any candidate running against the left would be up against. Do they somehow think they will be immune to the apparatus that the left has put together to ensure that no one but a progressive will ever be in the white house again?

As the tsunami of wikileaks reveal that the Clintons turned the state department into a den of personal enrichment, where pay-to-play and the selling off of American security made them multi-millionaires, the media has chosen to focus on Donald Trump’s indiscretions. None of it is proven, none of it rising to the level of being anything but Bill Clinton-lite even if it were all proven, but the “Willing To Take It Party” not only plays along, in many cases they are relishing what they should be outraged by.

Last night Saturday Night Live ran a parody of debate #2. One right-wing Trump-hating site called it “hilarious.” That in itself is disturbing.

I watched. I saw SNL characterize Donald Trump as racist towards blacks, an infuriating technique the left has faithfully used against its opposition for decades. You would need to have an unnatural hatred of Donald Trump in order to watch the left doing what they are going to do to the next “Willing To Take It Party” candidate and call it “hilarious.”

It’s either hatred or stupidity. Maybe both.

This has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with my incredulousness that there are right-wingers out there that have the ability to watch a coordinated effort by the government, the media, institutions of higher and lower learning, and the entertainment industry, completely whitewashing the Clintons in the face of mounting evidence of unprecedented corruption and allowing them to skate and perfect their machine. I would object to this on principle even if the candidate running was everything they claim Donald Trump is, and worse.

This infuriating inaction is signaling that this is wholly acceptable as long as it’s being done to a republican (or, more accurately, to a republican that isn’t the republican’s optimum choice.)

“Hey, it’s Trump, so you’re invited to do your wicked best, and I’ll be buttering my popcorn.”

What the hell happened to “principles”? Are they being suspended for this election, a special “Donald Trump dispensation”?

Media coordination, coordination by government agencies like the FBI and the IRS and the Justice Department is suddenly acceptable because they are merely going after the guy that prevented a more perfect candidate from winning the republican primary?

That is incredible.

Trump is being painted as corrupt, racist, lascivious, mentally ill, power mad, money hungry, you know, everything the Clintons are, by the Clinton machine, and the #NeverTrump right is egging it on, even participating in the coordination so that the public will never see the real Hillary.

This is tough to witness.

Good luck with your new principled party. You’re off to a roaring start when you can look the other way while the fourth estate ratf*cks  anyone but a progressive. If it’s been unacceptable in the past, it is unacceptable now, regardless of the candidate Trump, and the Clintons should not be rewarded by this. They should be blocked by any means necessary.

I know, I know… it’ll all change once Ted Cruz, or some other principled fighter, throws their hat in the ring in 2020.

That’s when you’ll beat back the machine by saying the SNL skit that paints Ted Cruz as an ineligible Canadian, willing to set off a nuke because the rapture will be sweet, while his charlatan dad lays hands on his face so everyone can ascend to white Jesus in an all-white heaven, with his wife stuffing a suitcase full of Goldman Sachs money for the trip, wasn’t all that funny.

I, on the other hand, will be howling. Not because the skit is funny, but because you guys are funny.



22 Comments on We’re Witnessing The Corrupt Clinton Machine and It’s Perversely Being Egged On By People That Should Be Fighting It

  1. “I know, I know… it’ll all change once Ted Cruz, or some other principled fighter, throws their hat in the ring in 2020. ”

    Exactly! The left doesn’t give a shit who we put up there. They must be destroyed.
    So acting like Cruz, Rubio, JEB!, Romney or George frickin’ Washington would have been OK with the left is just pathetic.

  2. What gets my goat is that members of the RNC, Carl Rove, Pail Ryan, Mitch NcConnell, and so on, are bombarding me with emails soliciting funds “to prevent the democrats from taking back the house and senate.” They never mention Trump, never. I can’t believe this shit.

  3. BRAD,
    The rumors started when Wiki posted 3 Precommitment files on Twitter. Some were interpreting these files as the “dead man switches”. But, more likely, these are hashes, like Snowden used. They are used to verify data authenticity. The files reference three countries. USA, Ecuador and the UK. He may have major info to release and these files will prove the info is real and haven’t been altered after release. I don’t think he’s dead. Yet.

  4. National Review and The Weekly Standard are out there flogging new deals for their once great magazines, which have fallen into the hands of elitists pricks. No thanks Jack, 48 years of your philosophy for me) doesn’t seem to have made a dent on the advancement of
    socialism. But I’m sure in 2020 you’ll make a comeback with Cruz, if you’re still around

  5. TOT sistyugler1

    Correct on the hashes (veracity of files).
    I read that the “Ecuador” file is the hot one.
    (as long as it doesn’t have a Hillary lezzie gif embed)

  6. We are near the end as a country.
    All great republics only last 250 + or – years.
    Deception deception deception. All brought to
    you by the father of all lies… Soros boss.

  7. “Did you see that Julian’s internet link was severed by “a state party””
    Assange is a Russian? This is the extent of the US Gov’t ‘retaliatory’ cyber warfare?

  8. F**k the Uniparty. It is way past time for Elites to be getting hurt and killed by the mayhem and tyranny they have unleashed on the rest of us. They pay no price for their folly and treachery. That is unacceptable, and I refuse to participate in the charade we call “elections” any longer. I will vote for Donald Trump, and it will be my last vote.

    Here’s to the rapid and obvious deterioration of Hillary, so that the mocking Dem/MSM machine is forced to face the reality of their deceit. Trump is not “melting down”. We, his base, are not “melting down”. The Potemkin Party has been forced to turn the gaslight up to full blowtorch because we refuse to bend to their will.

    There will never be a Republican President ever again. The nevertrumpkins have seen to that.

  9. My moderate-liberal friends read the WaPo and NYT every day, listen to NPR and CNN daily, and watch the Sunday news shows faithfully.
    None of them are hearing anything from all that MSM about Wikileaks. They literally have no idea.
    They also conflate SNL parody with actual candidate statements. 24 hours after seeing Baldwin portray Trump as a crazy hate filled racist, they ‘remember’ it as Trump actually having said it.
    Same people who to this day still conflate Tina Fey’s parody with the real Sarah Palin.

    Trump has a tremendous uphill battle against all this media blackout/agitprop. Unprecedented.
    Plus the RNC/GOPe/RINOs/Uniparty stabbing him in the back.

  10. What these NT morons never understand is that it doesn’t matter which candidate they nominate, that person will be savaged by media and Dems. I know. Redundant.
    Romney didn’t pay his taxes, was a bully in school, mistreated his dog, yada yada. McCain had an affair, not a citizen.

    The fact is, republicans could nominate Jesus Christ and the left would say that he illegally made wine out of water without paying taxes on it and operated an illegitimate fishing charter without a valid captains license when he advised the disciples to cast their nets on the other side of the boat.

    The left is simply evil and they try to win at any cost. How republicans refuse to understand that gives them the well deserved label of the stupid party.

  11. “Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.”

    Joseph Paul Goebbels, (from his diary)
    (1897-1945) Nazi Propaganda Minister

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