#WeShowUp: Freedom-Minded Women Counter ‘Far Left’ Day Without a Woman Strike – IOTW Report

#WeShowUp: Freedom-Minded Women Counter ‘Far Left’ Day Without a Woman Strike

Breitbart: Planned Parenthood and its other colleagues have cobbled together another “women’s” event that celebrates a mish-mash of leftist dream issues, but a group of freedom-minded American women says it is serving as a “positive counter-movement” to the “Day Without a Woman’ strike.

Right2Speak says that while Wednesday’s “Day Without a Woman’ demonstration urges women to leave their jobs and stop their normal activities, its group will instead urge women “to continue working, serving, giving, sharing, and loving their communities, their families, and their endeavors.”

“With disproportionate media attention going to the recent Women’s March movement, there is a very important story that is not being told,” Toni Anne Dashiell, the founder of Right2Speak, said, according to USA Today. “This is the story of the women in America who have been cast to the side by the spectacle of the extreme far left. We believe all women have the right to speak, the right to participate and the right to express their values without being dismissed.”  read more

14 Comments on #WeShowUp: Freedom-Minded Women Counter ‘Far Left’ Day Without a Woman Strike

  1. I’m a firm believer of making the workplace pleasant and beautiful.

    While looking at the protestors they could make this happen if they would just take the rest of the year off.

  2. When are you going to post all the Articles about how great the Trumpcare Bill is? How it’s going to cut Costs, create Competition, include Tort Reform and provide competition across State lines????
    Trump says this is a great bill. Seems like a piece of shit to me. Time to hold Trump’s feet to the fire. We voted Trump in to get rid of Obamacare NOT TO REPLACE IT WITH ANOTHER BIG GOVERNMENT SOLUTION
    On this point he is dead WRONG and the American people are pushing back. He heard our voices during the election I hope he doesn’t listen to the Political Class especially Paul Ryan (Rhino)

  3. It seems the attitude of liberal feminists is “we want to be men.” But here is the good news – you basically can if you really want to. Devote your life to your career, and put in the hours necessary to get ahead. Obtain the education and experience to enhance your career, and devote the next 40 years of your life (without taking time off to have children) to get what you want – if you want it. Learn to manage finances more prudently, and invest instead of consumer spending. Develop a thicker skin so you can more easily navigate the upper corridors, and become more self sufficient. If you have a spouse or significant other, realize that you have a responsibility to be a provider for them and you, and you are more of a financial giver than a taker.

    Men are required to make choices and cannot have it all. We spend most of time away from family life because our role is that of provider, and we can’t take months or years off to raise a family. But realize that women have the same choices, and women can’t really have it all either.

  4. Swamp. Hey I’m not a fan of it either. Repeal is going to take too long because of Ryan and the other buttmunches. 0bama changed things practically overnight and left 90% of the country messed up/confused so I guess they’re trying not to do the same thing? I don’t know.
    All I know is, I’m aggravated.

  5. Actually, America’s workforce benefited tremendously from not having the 100K, or so, fat, ugly, loudmouthed, angry, pugnacious, feminists cluttering up their offices and factories. I’m sure productivity soared, since workplace drama likely hit a decade low!

  6. All I saw from the protest was black transgender men yelling at a bunch of women in pussy hats. You could literally see the worth of these women oozing from their thighs.

  7. Holy thread derail. Trump will never be president….oh wait, what?

    Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
    Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!

    Mar 7
    Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
    I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!

    Mar 7
    Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
    Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster – is imploding fast!

  8. Thread rape alert —
    I think Obamacare should be repealed, wait 6 months at least to start on any ‘replace’, but, considering what would be happening now if Hillary would’ve won, this is one hell of a lot better.
    Get rid of the welfare aspect, period.
    Or time to admit we need to have Federal welfare (complete welfare). SS and Medicare not really welfare, we pay into that on purpose. SSI, that’s welfare.

  9. The signs used to say “Men Working”. Then women started getting those jobs, too, so it became “Workers Present”. Not working, just present. And now they’re not even present. Can we go back to “Men Working”?

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