Western journalists criticizing Trump for killing Soleimani is an outrage – IOTW Report

Western journalists criticizing Trump for killing Soleimani is an outrage


Over the weekend, two women, Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a Muslim physician from Great Britain, and native Iranian journalist/producer at Voice of America Persian Service Masih Alinejad, were interviewed by Fox News, and they had strong words for those in the West who criticized President Trump’s airstrike that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

Ahmed called the critics of Trump “completely morally bankrupt and craven,” adding, “It makes you question what their interests really are.”

Alinejad, who said her own brother was jailed in Iran in front of his small children for protesting against the theocratic, despotic Iranian regime, said she was shocked when she saw the Western media “calling him a hero.”

Asked what she thought of the criticism of Trump from those in the West, Ahmed said, “Completely morally bankrupt and craven, their response.”

“I have been speaking to all of my friends and contacts in Iran where Soleimani had a tremendous grip through his leadership and plans with PMF and they’re celebrating; they’re exchanging cakes with each other; they’re congratulating each other,” she said. “To see the United States criticizing the president for this emphatic, long overdue, much indicated rebuke, is disgraceful and it makes you question what their interests really are.”

“Soleimani was the mastermind of Iranian hegemony over the region, responsible for hundreds of deaths, thousands of deaths in many many nations,” she added. “There’s no criticism that legitimate for this targeting.”

Alinejad, who pointed out in a thread on Twitter that claims of “millions of people” lining the streets for Soleimani’s funeral were wildly exaggerated, added, “Look, I have been in touch with many Iranians and I have to say that a lot of Iranians do not see Qassem Soleimani as a hero, and I’m very shocked when I see in the Western media calling him a hero. For what? For killing the Syrian children, Iraqi children, or killing the Iranian people in Iran protests.”

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7 Comments on Western journalists criticizing Trump for killing Soleimani is an outrage

  1. Under Trump, everyone has been forced to show who and what they are, and which side they are on.

    It’s an ongoing process, so keep watching the great reveal he brings us.

  2. Yes, and there were those who admired Stalin, Hitler, Tojo, Mussolini, and others.

    The New York Times was the great expositor of the brutal, bestial, genocidal communism of Lenin and Stalin, so why wouldn’t they (for instance) gravitate towards another? The Editors, Reporters, and Copy Boys all get wet in the panties dreamily drooling over murderers and thugs.

    Same with the visual media. You can sense Anderson Cooper squeezing his lemon at the thought of Putin, Erdogan, and the Mullahs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism puts out an $80M assassination contract on the POTUS, publicly announces their intent to attack 21 military bases as well as activating sleeper cells within the US and the Democrat response is to tie our hands in dealing with them.

    Excuse when I respond in kind after being called an unpatriotic Russian asset for 3 years.

  4. The western media is a farce- has been for a long time. It’s awful and ridiculous, but it’s also reality. I never expected them to respond to this normally or anything, the media gets their marching orders from whom ever owns them, end of story.


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