Western Michigan U Gets Union’s Goat – IOTW Report

Western Michigan U Gets Union’s Goat

For the second year in a row Western Michigan University has contracted a herd of plant munching goats to clear a small wooded lot. This year the union representing the lawn maintenance workers filed a complaint that the goats were, in fact, taking union jobs.


I think the school administration should offer union members the opportunity to eat poison ivy and other unwanted vegetation this summer if they want the job.



15 Comments on Western Michigan U Gets Union’s Goat

  1. If there union had done their job then the goats wouldn’t have been needed.

    It was encouraging to see the author recognize that goats don’t eat anything and everything. They prefer leafy objects first, but they enjoy the walk more……It’s kind of like watching a nasty grocery shopper picking off the grapes, cherries and cherry tomatoes and then circling back to taste some greens, smell the cantaloupe, squeeze the peaches, sniff the lemon and then buy nothing….

  2. Many years ago at Fort Belvior VA there were goats keeping the grass trimmed inside the fenced compounds
    surrounding the explosives bunkers.
    I thought it was a great idea.

  3. Ever See a Union Worker Try To Wheed eat a Nice Lawn ? It looks like they used a Sickle around the edges, chopping Irrigation Heads left and right !
    Landcaping is a Skill, if your’e good and a Real problem if Not !
    Unions have No Buisness working With Live Plants !!!

  4. For the most part, AFSCME is a protection racket for thugs and sluggards.
    Remember this is Michigan, the Union wins.

    The University either will have to send the goats back to the farmer or have them join the union.

    The good part is, if the goats join the union, it will increase the IQ of the membership, but they’ll sit on their ass 3 hours of an 8 hour day bitching about having to work.

  5. The goat goes around an eats all the
    stuff he likes first,then goes around
    again and eats the stuff he likes 2nd.
    Then repeat until he gets to the poison ivy…

  6. According to foresters with the LSU forestry department. If you have 40 acres covered in briars and poison ivy, one goat can completely clear your acreage in about 5 months.

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