We’ve Allowed Morons To Become “Educators” – IOTW Report

We’ve Allowed Morons To Become “Educators”

I loathe “empowered” women.

Let me amend that. Powerful women can be sexy, attractive, nice, etc.

Somehow, women who claim “empowerment” are a different animal, and they nauseate me.

Here are some of these women

30 Comments on We’ve Allowed Morons To Become “Educators”

  1. The “pants with a dress” thing always gives them away.
    It signals the “woke” ones to each other.
    I’ve got 3 step-nieces who do that.
    They’ve bought into the “show me who to hate and I will”
    They also think Biden is a savior over that icky Donald Trump.
    So glad they are step-nieces. They don’t come to visit.
    My gain.

  2. I’m glad I grew up an era when men were men and women were women. Once the late sixties and seventies came along that all changed.

    Feminists are clinically insane, which has affected all of our society.

  3. Chicago teachers: “WE’RE NOT ESSENTIAL!!! WE’RE NOT ESSENTIAL!!!”

    The “empowered” woman stuff drives me crazy, too. There’s a commercial on TV with an “empowered” woman who is NOT going to be stopped and so she wears her adult diaper to the boardroom. Mrs. Curtain looks at me and quips, “So… she’s SO empowered that she can give the presentation while peeing her pants.”

  4. We haven’t “allowed” anything! The teachers’ unions have got to go. If you haven’t figured out yet how to educate your kids or put pressure on your own kids to get your grandkids out of these cesspools of indoctrination, then you can take the blame.

  5. “…because no one should have to choose between life and livelihood.”

    Oh. I wonder if they feel the same solidarity with all the small business owners who have been forced into poverty over their non-choice.

  6. What a joke.
    This should be mandatory viewing for every parent who has a child or children in the public school system. That should get enough outrage to send these “dance teachers” back to their lairs.
    This was their argument for not going back to work. Can’t wait to call in sick to my boss by sending a video of me fake-puking while I dance around looking sad.
    Yah, that’ll work.

  7. A barfable comment from a certifiable idiot on twitter regarding these dancing hags:

    Replying to
    It’s so admirable how teachers haven’t made this all about themselves, but instead have focused on the impact this nearly year-long isolation has had on the children. Such selfless, lovely angels of education.

    For the Children…yeah, right.

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