We’ve Been Had By DOJ Deep State – IOTW Report

We’ve Been Had By DOJ Deep State

Remember all the happy talk about Inspector Generals and Prosecutors within the Department of Justice were going to sort things out and get to the bottom of the FISA / Russiagate shenanigans at the DOJ /FBI? It was all a ruse to keep us from forming a torch and pitchfork mob to drive them out. Here

You see, they used our belief in our institutions and trust in the process against us. I don’t know what we were thinking, believing that those in charge would actually ever expose themselves to the possibility of ever having their abuse of power exposed.

17 Comments on We’ve Been Had By DOJ Deep State

  1. We? I have never and will never trust the government or those in the government to investigate themselves. But I do know if they come for the citizens they always get you.

  2. Government is an emergent organism comprised of millions and millions of self-interested bureaucrats. It cares most of all about its own survival and growth, and will not be controlled in any meaningful way through processes and mechanisms it itself controls. We must find another way to rein it in, or be swallowed by it.

  3. I love this country, but the level of corruption in our government is disgusting.
    I appreciate that Trump is trying, and also the magnitude of the problem.
    But there are criminals walking around, that have served, and are presently serving, our government. And the two tiers of justice that have crept in make that possible.
    We’re returning to the middle ages, but this time, everything will be made out of plastic.

  4. It was all a ruse to keep us from forming a torch and pitchfork mob to drive them out.

    Not at all. It was the pleasant small talk, the lazy proles yearn to hear. They were never, they will never, put their shoes on and get off the couch. Telling them they don’t have to (“Top men are taking care of it. Top. Men.”), soothes them enough to pay to watch another retelling of the same story, instead of fretting and watching the discs they already have.

  5. I’ve been assuming that Inspector General Horowitz and U.S. Attorney Huber had discovered so much information in their investigations, that they were taking longer than expected to release their reports. I believed that this was how President Trump and Attorney General Sessions were out flanking Rosenstein and Mueller. Reading Sundance on the Conservative Treehouse convinced me that this was what was happening. Now, I am convinced that only the direct intervention of President Trump will ever resolve this corruption and sedition.

  6. this whole FISA nonsense is usurpation … unaccountable bureaucrats presenting fabrications to unaccountable judges, overseen by an unaccountable Chief Justice

    none of this power is granted by the Constitution … it is unlawful, illegal
    it is a grab of power by those that would rather rule than serve

    ‘revolution’ = ‘one complete turn’ … a full circle

  7. Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse had me hopeful for a while. Nothing ever happened. Month after month after month. It’s all a ruse. Totally agree with @Marco. Whatever Trump can legally do, he should.

  8. HMMM James Clapper lies to congress about spying on Americans and he is NOT prosecuted due to the statuate of limitations expiring and Cohen lies to the and he gets prosecuted. No surprise there two tiered justice system in effect. Where is Huber in Utah staring into a corner(what a useless exercise) Bout of Course he was appointed by Sessions.


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