We’ve seen dog tricks, but how about multi-way dog tricks? – IOTW Report

We’ve seen dog tricks, but how about multi-way dog tricks?

14 Comments on We’ve seen dog tricks, but how about multi-way dog tricks?

  1. Nope.

    I got a kid and wife in aikido, much more satisfying. My little
    millenial is gonna kick the shit out of the little girl boys in her
    teens, and she’ll do it all with a IPAD mini in her left hand.

  2. I’m letting my dog get off way to easily. The only trick he knows is how to shed.
    Although he’ll run around the yard barking madly if I
    Say the last name of our former president. That’s a trick, right?

  3. My last 3 dogs were all categorized as “working breeds”. Pffft. Welfare recipients is what they are. But lovable welfare recipients.

    Petey, my Australian shepherd, actually does do one job for me. Keeping the Canadians off the lawn. I mean geese.

    Plus he’s good at herding me whenever I’m carrying anything heavy. And humping the cat when I’m making his dinner.

    But I love that dog anyway.

  4. The trainer is very good. Hell, the GOP ought to hire her to get the party as well as the #nevertrumpers to work together on something. Like saving the country.

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